D21 journey

Congrats on all the great acceptances; so many wonderful options. And the others fell down on the list anyway, so it’s all working out. I’ve been following your story closely and still maintain the Richmond/Vanderbilt guesstimate, even given the latest news, altho those “northern” options could be wild cards. I will say that my anecdotal opinion about BC is that the Catholic draw is high (and that comes from one whose kids attended Catholic schools). The kids that end up there are high-achieving and are pretty faith-driven (again, anecdotal), similar to the kids that seem to prioritize Notre Dame. Plus there is no Greek system at BC (or ND) and I think that was a priority for D21? And for the record, my kids who attended parochial schools their entire lives, did not want that vibe. But, BC’s an excellent school, no doubt about it. Lehigh and Colgate location are not too “Southwest friendly,” so maybe that’s a deal-breaker with all else being equal? But, seems like these two in particular are ticking lots of boxes. Good luck with your remaining decisions and we’ll be following closely!

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Admitted to Davidson!

so almost done. Just Vanderbilt left…



Congrats to your D!

Can I ask if she’ll be accepting the WL at Wake? Can you reveal what your thoughts were on your Richmond/Davidson/Wake Forest visit?

I have narrowed it down to 2: Lehigh and Colgate. I think she will choose one of these two wonderful schools. I am not convinced …yet …that she will attend Davidson, but congrats to this student on the wonderful acceptance!!!

Congratulations from this Davidson grad! It’s a special place. :heart::black_heart:


Please wait on giving any response until all have had a reasonable amount of time to update their wagers. Thanks !


:joy: :joy: :joy:


Call me crazy… but I’m sticking with my Richmond/Vanderbilt combo, with improved odds on Lehigh and Colgate.

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My D21 also!


I’m thinking Lehigh or Davidson or Vanderbilt if it pulls through, with Richmond and Colgate still in the running

Congrats to your D!!!

@CollegeBoundBrit She will not take the WL spot at Wake.

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My bet is on Vandy (if accepted) followed by Richmond and Davidson. Colgate/Lehigh are both cold and difficult for her to get to. Not bringing anything new to make up for the downsides. BC is easier to get to but cold and separated campus and very Catholic. All amazing schools though! Different strokes, different folks.


BC is also a couple of thousand bigger than homerdaughter said she wanted

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Wow, this thread is great! @homerdog Congratulations to your daughter on all her achievements and huge list of acceptances! What fantastic options she has so far! Of the schools you’ve visited, was it easy for you and your daughter to get a feel for the vibe of each school? I see people write, “school X is great for Y type of student.” Was this easy to sense when on campus? My D22’s college list has many overlaps with your D21’s list, with Wake and Richmond leading the pack (on paper). Hopefully, it’s easy to sense a good fit when on campus, bc all schools look great online, of course. If you hadn’t known students at some of the schools you looked at, would it have been much harder to get a true sense of the fit? Good luck to your D as she makes her decision!

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No. It’s not easy to pick up on the vibe at these schools, at least not now. We gleaned zero info on that when we visited Richmond, Wake, and Davidson - just saw the campuses. No one was out and about. Our research on vibe is purely advice from current students and their parents and it’s taking a ton of time to gather enough info to get a real sense.

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I’d flip Davidson and Richmond, so Vandy, Davidson, Richmond.

So, updated list:

Accepted: LMU, SCU, Denver, Furman, Richmond, BC, Lehigh, Colgate, Davidson

Waitlist: Wake, Denison

Deny: Middlebury

Vandy sometime this week. I’m going to divulge early here that D isn’t sure she even likes Vanderbilt. The kids we know there are very intense academically. She knows some of them well from high school and isn’t sure she’s much like them. No one here will be crushed if Vanderbilt is a no!


For Lehigh, this student can fly into JFK or Newark (Philly?) and then take a bus. It’s about 90 min but she can try and coordinate the travel with other students to make it easier. They can also share an Uber. People in this area are very used to traveling 1-2 hours to get to an airport. People in the tri-state area often travel 3-4 hours (pre Covid) round trip to get to work every day. I did it for years.

For Colgate, maybe she can fly into Syracuse and share an Uber. I think there is also a bus, but it might be a little harder than Lehigh.

Davidson might be easiest…I did not look.

One can never count on a Vandy acceptance. That being said, we are all waiting!

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I’m going to predict that with all these fantastic acceptances that Lehigh and BC are not in play anymore. She will consider Colgate, Richmond, Davidson. Then she will conclude that Colgate is too cold and too hard to travel to and in the end go with Davidson. Then if she gets Vandy, she will end up there!
Those I could be biased because between my 2 D’s we considered/visited all these schools and they would have chosen Davidson or Colgate with BC perhaps 3rd.