
<p>I got charged $5 for sticker removal.</p>

<p>schwa? 10char</p>

<p>Are you talking about charges for damages to an apartment/dorm? If so, where does it show?</p>

<p>they email you, and they also display it on oasis under "billing balance"</p>

<p>Yeah, Housing emailed me a PDF that I "damaged" my room in Birnkrant. $5 for sticker removal, and $8.75 for "CDA," whatever that means.</p>

<p>I also faintly remember them charging everyone in the building 50 cents or something for cleaning up someone's barf on the first floor restroom.</p>

<p>dang. what a burn</p>

<p>housing charged me 36 dollars..ouch</p>

<p>I got the "Billing Statement Clarification" email from housing yesterday, but I didn't receive any emails previous to that and there aren't any charges on my account when I check on OASIS. Maybe I didn't get charged? That would be way too surprising considering I lived in Webb Tower where everything was brand new.</p>

<p>On the check-in inventory form, my friend put down that everything in his room was broken so if he did break something during the year, he wouldn't be charged for it. An idea worth considering...</p>