Dance Majors

<p>When is College Confidential going to add dance majors as a category?</p>

<p>right now dance questions are posted under arts majors (along with Theatre, Art, sometimes creative writing). </p>

<p>I am not sure how the decisions are made on which majors have their own forums, and which are threads on more general forums.</p>

<p>Noone seems to be using it for dance. In the 3 pages that I viewed, there is not a single post about dance. Every once in a while, I come on and ask for a dance forum here. The music major forum was extremely helpful for one of our kids, but with our youngest, a dancer, we cannot find a similar resource. I know there are many others who could benefit!</p>

<p>Just so you know, I requested that CC add a Dance Majors forum six months ago and was told it would be done. As it has not been done, I reiterated the request today. </p>

<p>We have many existing threads on Dance on various fora such as the Arts Major forum, Parent Forum, College Selection forum, and so on. As we know, applying to colleges for dance is a specialized admissions process much like musical theater, drama, studio art, music, etc. Once the forum is set up (hopefully), I will work to move all existing threads on Dance into the forum.</p>

<p>In the meantime, I suggest you use the Search function as there are many very good threads on Dance here on CC. They may not be on the most recent pages but the Search function will bring you to the relevant threads.</p>

<p>I took the time to do some searching for you and came up with numerous threads that discuss various colleges for dance, both audition and non audition. On top of the threads I have pasted below, there are threads specific to certain colleges if you search. </p>

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depending on the kind of dance you are interested there is a very strong ballet board that has an extensive college listing and discussion. The catch is it is a ballet board, so it really only deals with programs that are ballet focused or with a significant ballet emphasis, such the as Alivin Ailey-Fordham program. If you are interested I can send you the link via PM, ot you can do a google search for ballet talk.</p>

<p>The Ballet Talk forum is excellent for dance information but yes, it has a strong ballet emphasis. However, it has some excellent threads on the college dance programs, most of which offer modern, jazz and other types of dance in addition to ballet; only a few college programs emphasize classical ballet (Indiana U, U of Utah, Butler, et al) over other forms of dance. There are also some college programs that emphasize the dance version of the "triple threat:" ballet, modern and jazz (U of Arizona, SMU, et al). So you can find an extensive amount of college dance program info there. </p>

<p>In addition, Dance magazine and Pointe magazine do annual college guides for dance. I highly recommend them. Dance magazine's college guide is a separate publication from the magazine. Pointe magazine does its college guide in the magazine issue itself. Just go on their websites to find out when they are published.</p>

<p>my daughter is interested in majoring in dance (modern) at a school with strong academics (and possibly the option to double major). She is interested in U Michigan and U Wisconsin-Madison. How competitive are these programs and how many applicants do they accept?</p>

<p>Hey, we now have a dance major forum. Thanks! I wonder if this thread can be moved over?</p>

<p>Yes, I was able to get the Dance Majors forum finally. Hooray! We also have divided up the Arts Major forum into Dance Majors, Theater/Drama Majors, and Visual Arts/Film Majors (and already had the MT Major and Music Major forums). </p>

<p>Now, I have do searches and move many existing threads on these topics. Look for that as soon as I can do it all.</p>

<p>Yay! Thank you for creating the new dance major sub-forum</p>

<p>dancer4192, my d also wanted similar things in a college as yours: strong academics plus dance. The two schools she most considered were U Mich and Barnard. She auditioned for U Mich’s dance program and was accepted. She chose Barnard, though, as their financial aid was much better. She also felt it would have been difficult to really double major in dance and an academic area at U Mich. She has been very, very happy with Barnard’s dance training and she is now a senior majoring in Neuroscience…</p>

<p>Great Job getting the Dance Major Forum!</p>

<p>YES!!! Finally!! Thank you!! I, too, have made several requests for this forum and forced people I know from another dance mb to come and beg for one as well!! Hooray for strongarming!! Thank you CC!!</p>

<p>Now I’m hoping the word spreads - there hasn’t been much activity here yet, which I think means most of the dancers and dance parents don’t know the board is up and running. Many thanks to CollegeMom!</p>

<p>I have posted on my other board about this, hopefully they come in droves.</p>

<p>My daughter is a dance major at U.of So.Fla. I’m glad to answer any questions if I can be of help.</p>

<p>Hi PK, I took the liberty of adding a U So Florida-specific thread… as this forum gains momentum I’m thinking it will be nice to have schools separated out from under the “dance major” thread. Much easier to find school-specific info! Your post is exactly what we’re all hoping to see on all the threads! Thanks!</p>

<p>Thank you College Mom! I am sorry I did not return sooner to benefit from all that work of providing links. IThank you for that too.</p>

<p>The Dance Magazine college guide and “Creative Colleges” and the Peterson’s book are all great, but there is no substitute for a forum like this.</p>

<p>I look forward to this help, as people find out about the new dance major forum!</p>

<p>My DD is a hs soph. We are just starting to put together a list of schools for dance. She is not sure if she would like to major in dance but would like the possibility of at least minoring. She does ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and hip hop. She is part of a private studio as well as a dance program at a hs for visual and performing arts.</p>

<p>Some schools that we have found in a reasonable commute from our home in northeast Ohio are:</p>

Lake Erie
Slippery Rock
Ohio Univ
Bowling Green
Wells College (in NY)
SUNY at Brockport
St Mary’s in Indiana

<p>She is also a soccer player so part of her interest also would probably be the smaller schools since she is pretty good, but she would prefer a Div III school or possibly a Div II school if she played.</p>

<p>Any comments on any of these schools would be appreciated.</p>
