Dartmouth College Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

You still have a shot during RD. Legacy may help then.


they only consider legacy in ED.

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Got it. But you still have a very good profile. I am sure you will have plenty of options when it’s all said and done! Good luck!


I know and do does he. He has several excellent schools still to hear from (and still to apply to now that we know.)


I attended an info session last year and the AO specifically said that wasn’t the case (legacy isn’t “erased” in RD). Penn used to do that, but I’m not sure even they have that on their website any more. And also, schools aren’t supposed to solicit major gifts from people who have applicants in the pool. Perhaps it was an end of the year annual fund appeal?


I hope you are correct about legacy consideration. Thanks.

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And fwiw, my daughter (Dartmouth '26 -not a legacy) has some legacy friends who got in RD

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anyone know if S23 should write a LOCI or is that just for waitlisted candidates?

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Yes, my sense is that legacy can harm you in RD if you DID NOT apply in ED because they think you won’t attend if accepted (since if you were really interested, you would have applied ED with the legacy hook). So it can actually hurt in RD. BUT, if you did apply ED and were deferred, I think the legacy piece helps quite a bit in the RD process. Still long odds regardless, but do think it is a plus.


Def write a LOCI: How to Write a Great Letter of Continued Interest

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4.0 unweighted (HS doesn’t provide weighted on transcript)
1510 SAT
small NYC public high school
every AP offered (8, i think) except Spanish
4 DE classes (2 at Cornell over the summer)
Captain of soccer team
Job for last 4 years
Legacy, and I volunteer for Dartmouth in admissions interviews and some fundraising)

He still has great options, but feeling very deflated


Yes on the LOCI. Would wait until after holiday break. Include hopefully stellar first semester grades, and any other new accomplishments.


This raises the question of how many/what percentage of the ED pool is legacy (and of course academically qualified as your S23 is). if that percentage is high, then admission is bound to have a mix of admits/deferred for legacy.

@NYCDad-2027 : was your son also a soccer sports recruit?

best of luck for converting the deferred, and for the RD


My S23 has a very similar profile as those of @Techno13 and @NYCDad-2027 - very good numbers, competitive school, leadership positions in ECs, sports captain, legacy (with volunteering). Also deferred (and deflated). We’re told courtesy deferrals are fading, but the fact that only 5-10% of deferred pool is admitted (Dartmouth AO website) suggests otherwise. Any insight into how big the deferral pool actually is and how it is bucketed?

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According to the press release Dartmouth put out, 14% of the admitted ‘27s are legacy.

My son was captain, but not recruited.

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Yeah, the 5-10% admit rate for deferrals is basically the same as the regular RD admit rate so I guess they are given little to no additional benefit other than another shot at it.

Time for my son to draft a LOCI and update the portal when grades come out and move on to other schools.

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the sad reality of today is that colleges operate as full fledge tax exempt performance and branding focused institutions. High priority is therefore accorded to the $20m+ gifts, the truly world class academic applicants, and athletes who will strengthen their brand, all that in front of legacy parents who are simply volunteering for the school and/or alumni events. of course, certain schools are more attentive to their legacy community than others.

Best of luck to you all for ED2/RD.


I got in today as an international student from East Asia. feel like it would be helpful for future applicants to share some info

first, I got the generic financial aid email on 12/2, sent them my tax return on the same day. On 12/3, the tax return was marked as received, but there was a date change on 12/5. I won’t try to make any generalized assumption about how this correlates with admissions but the financial aid myth worked for me.

second, I don’t have the best stats. I got a 34 on my ACT which isn’t bad but not that great. I have no AP and my school doesn’t calculate GPA. The only highlight I think I have in terms of grades is that I got 45/45 on my IB predicted grades. I did two language As so I guess that added to my course rigor.

So I think admission decisions really just come down to luck and things beyond our own control. hope my info helps and best of luck for ED2/RD/future applicants!!!


Congratulations to you! A 45/45 is fantastic and more than demonstrates the academic prowess that an American GPA would show.

Also, Dartmouth is a community oriented college that is looking for certain things that demonstrate what kind of community member you would be so there was clearly something in your essays and your recommendations that they highly value. (If you aren’t sure what that is about you, ask your friends :)).

This is also advice to those of you who were deferred for your LOCI. If your academics are already demonstrated, think about how to show who you are as a community member and how your values align with Dartmouth’s.


Good advice
any idea on what those certain things are?