Dartmouth ED

<p>I am a senior at a New York public high school. My current SAT score is 2070, 760 verbal, 730 writing, 600 math. I have three AP scores of 5, and am set to take four more APs in the year to come. I have a 750 on the Lit, a 690 on the World History, and a 680 on the Biology SAT IIs.</p>

<p>During three of the last four summers I have participated in a unpaid counselor position at the Weathervane Theatre's summer camp. I worked with kids for a three week session each summer, pulling eight hour days and doing random jobs for the theatre whenever necessary. The fourth summer in that span I worked at an eightweek summer camp at a paid position as a counselor trusted with twenty to thirty girls and two other cocounselors. </p>

<p>I am a semifinalist in the National Achievement Scholarship Program.
I am my schools pick out of class of 475 for the National Principals Leadership Award
Designated AP scholar.</p>

<p>I was often given leadership roles at both camps. I volunteer at my local and school libraries during the summer and the school year, participate in the school's Model United Nations as the club treasurer, student voice forum, student government, the three year science research program and club, and national honor society as the chapter historian, and am an editor of our school yearbook. </p>

<p>I have completed a ninety hour internship with SUNY Albany, that garnered college credits, as well as another summer course this current summer that will also give me college credit for my work in the field of vitamin d research with Dr. Michael Holick at BU. </p>

<p>I identify myself as African American, yet my background is more complex. </p>

<p>I am ranked at 32/526 in my class, and my GPA is a 4.4 out of a possible 5.2 with weighting for honors and AP courses. </p>

<p>I am a part of the school's select choir, an honor choir within it, and participated in the NYSSMA Westchester Area-All State Choir this year as a result of my score of 100 at the auditions this spring (Soprano)</p>

<p>My recs should great, from my Science Research Teacher and my Calculus teacher. I have had a great relationship with them for three/four years, and my guidance counselor rec should be just as good. For my peer rec I chose my best friend since I was four :D</p>

<p>Do I have a chance at getting into Dartmouth College?</p>

<p>You’ll need to do something about that math score. Other than that, things look good. Being a URM will help, and you class rank and ECs are solid.</p>

<p>decent chances only because of URM. what D really wants, though, is to gain diversity without compromising their SAT/ACT score ranges, so if you could get all your scores in the midrange you would do a lot better.</p>

<p>edit: but 760 CR and 750 Lit will look really good. chances at 40%</p>

<p>thanks for the honesty
i don’t know what to do about it
i’ve tried prep and I just can’t get it up
I feel like its too late anyways because I’ve already applied
but thanks</p>

<p>ur math is low for Dartmouth, but overall a decent chance. Are u going to retake the december SAT maia? :smiley: I think u should ;)</p>

<p>btw, chance me maia <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/593253-chance-mit-columbia-carnegie-mellon-cornell.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/593253-chance-mit-columbia-carnegie-mellon-cornell.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>okay luofernando
no way am i taking the december SAT <em>this</em> saturday
and i told you not to chance me ;)</p>