<p>i am aware that this thread is posted in the dartmouth forum. however, do you think it is better to be a premed at brown or dartmouth? how do research opportunities compare?</p>
<p>secondly, does dartmouth heavily weigh high school grades and standardized test scores when evaluating a transfer applicant?... or do they focus more on the college gpa, ec's and recs?</p>
<p>No difference. Both place incredibly well and are great schools. Go to the one you like more...</p>
<p>Brown has one of those programs in which you can be "pre-admitted" to their med school. I have the impression that admission is more competitive than the regular program, but they give you the option of being considered for the regular program if you are not selected. I know two kids who applied: one was accepted, the other was not, but was accepted as a "regular" student. You might want to look into it.</p>