Dartmouth vs Yale Political Science/Government

Hi everyone. Trying to decide between the two for political science (or government in Dartmouth)
What do you think?

Note: interested in Math too


Well, that depends on you.

Dartmouth is definitely more undergraduate focused, which means you’d get more small class sizes, and more classes taught by professors rather than TAs than at Yale (all of your classes, actually, as only one or two sections of first year calculus are taught by TAs with every section of every other class taught by profs).

Government is also a popular major, so there’s a thriving community interested in that sort of thing here for you to be around. The same goes for poli sci at Yale though.

In terms of Math, there’s not really any competition as far as I know. From what I’ve heard, Math at Yale is meh. It’s not a department they spend much resources on. Yalies, feel free to correct me on this. if I’m wrong

At Dartmouth, math is pretty solid. I have yet to take any classes in math, but, intro classes aside, most people here really enjoy their math classes.

On the flipside, Yale is slightly more prestigious. That doesn’t really matter to employers (it’s what you do in your undergrad career that counts), but the average guy you meet in the grocery store will think you’re smarter if you went to Yale.

Dartmouth also has the classic college campus experience, complete with a nice college town. There is also a network of small towns in the upper valley (the region we are in) to explore. We are within arm’s reach of Boston with coaches going every day, and there are always a large variety of things going on on campus so you won’t be board, but if you are the kind of person who needs a real city ready at hand, then that’s not what we have here.

I’m a Dartmouth student myself, so feel free to ask me any Dartmouth-related questions.