Data Science Major offered?

New here and I apologize if this has been asked and answered before. I tried to extensively search for an answer before posting but this site is somewhat overwhelming. My husband and I are SUNY-B alum (living in Ohio) and are encouraging our high school senior to apply to Binghamton. She is a potential data science/data analytics major. Does anyone have any experience with a student studying this area of concentration (for a Bachelor’s, not necessarily a Master’s) or does your student have to major in a related field such as Statistics or Computer Science? Thanks in advance.

My son is a junior majoring in operations research and financial engineering, which is offered at his school as a separate entity, apart from mathematics, statistics, and computer science. I glanced through Binghamton’s “academics → programs” web page, and I wonder if “Industrial and Systems Engineering” might be the umbrella the covers your daughter’s interests in “data science/data analytics”?