<p>Does it really matter which day that I have lab? Right now, I have Chem lab on friday from 8:30 but there's a lab open on Wednesday from the same time. Should I just take the Wednesday?</p>
<p>Whichever you prefer!</p>
<p>Rumor has it that they are 100 seats short on Chem labs. There is a waitlist for freshmen trying to get them, and if anyone drops a spot on ISIS they are going straight to students on the waitlist rather than going back to open seats on ISIS.</p>
<p>So if you have a chem lab keep it.</p>
<p>abbycookies and ryanx13 are both correct. I was on that same waitlist as an incoming freshman. I know some people wouldn’t want a Friday night lab since they’d rather be out with their friends at a time like that, but if it doesn’t bother you, keep your current time. Also, remember to add before dropping. If a more desirable chem lab section appears on ISIS, just go ahead and add it. It will replace your old section on your schedule. But don’t just drop the section you have right now in anticipation of a better one. Seats get snatched up quickly.</p>