DC++ at Cornell?

<p>First off, if you do not know what dc++ is, then [url=<a href="http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=dc%2B%2B%5Dthis%5B/url"&gt;http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=dc%2B%2B]this[/url&lt;/a&gt;] may be helpful for you. I'm looking for info from someone who knows what I am talking about. Posts asking what this is, or why you are against it and why you feel this is an abomination the world are not needed.</p>

<p>I searched and only found another topic on this from 2006, so basically, how big is the DC++ scene at Cornell? I see there is a site for helping people set it up on Cornell's network so that is hopeful.</p>

<p>My brother goes to Carnegie Mellon, and whenever I visit him, the internal network they have there is...well....epic. So, basically I'm wondering how big dc++ is at cornell. At CMU, for example, I would say their dc++ network probably has as many files as the average torrent site does.</p>

<p>Cornell DC++ has about 400-500 users and shares approximately 30 TB. Something like that. Everyone left the hub already for Winter Break, so I don’t have exact numbers now.</p>

<p>its probably the best thing ever at cornell. i love (mac dc++ equivalent) shakespeer!</p>

<p>Sounds good :)</p>

<p>Better be there… how else am I supposed to get my media… :)</p>

<p>Though no one has said it yet, everyone knows what a large portion of DC++ files are.</p>

<p>[Cornell</a> DC++ Setup Guide](<a href=“http://www.cornelldc.com/]Cornell”>http://www.cornelldc.com/)
Information on connecting for when you get here…</p>

<p>Anime, dontno, anime…</p>

<p>But I get my fix of the Office so I’m satisfied.</p>

<p>It’s a little more scurrilous than anime.</p>