Dear White People

So, my D saw the film and wants to go to a college like that with a black house filled with super brilliant black people. What colleges would you recommend? She has high stats. Thx.

Hbcus. Try howard in DC

The film was not set at an HBCU. It was a fictional ivy school. Howard has a whole range of types of people whereas the ivies have cherry picked the highest achievers.

Columbia is like that school in the movie. There’s a good number of black students there and they have a pretty strong presence despite being surrounded by white faces. Princeton also, I think.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: like Howard, Tuskegee, Spellman.

Go to a school where is academical and socially conformable for you, Don’t limit yourself to a HBCU

Right, the people who suggested HBCUs must not have seen the film. So, they didn’t understand the question.

Good suggestion from Yoadriaaaan.

Don’t understand the desire to attend a PWI and self segregate. I believe what ever school you attend you should take advantage of all it has to offer. That being said, if you are looking for a strong support system, I recommend Vanderbilt The Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center at Vanderbilt was very impressive and the students felt a strong sense of social, academic, and personal support.


Never said anything about self segregating, again if you saw the film all the main characters attended classes with, went to parties with, and dated people that were not black.

Thanks for the Vandy suggestion, never envisioned that there.

Have her apply to the ivies since she has top stats. She can get support from the clubs on campus.

I saw the movie and still stand by my post. I hope your D finds the school of her dreams.

The way people obsess and gripe about getting into UT you would think that it’s the only college in America. It’s so annoying. UT is technically the second best school in the state (after Rice) and definitely doesn’t carry the reputation of an Ivy League school or an academically elite public university such as UC Berkeley. In fact, the best and brightest students in Texas are more apt to leave the state to attend a private school in the Northeast or on the West coast.

There are several public universities in Texas where students can get an excellent education. and join a wonderful community … UT Arlington, Texas Tech, UH, UT Dallas, Texas Southern, Prairie View all have successful alumni and students.

Penn has what you’re looking for. We visited Yale and loved it there but D chose Penn and is there now.

I think all the Ivies have it if you want it but Harvard, Yale and Penn stand out to me. I don’t know about Princeton but they snatched Cornel West from Harvard a few years ago so I wouldn’t be surprised if you found it thriving there as well.


Cornel is back at Columbia now. But thanks for the tip!

Does Penn have a fly-in or a diversity day? Does your D live in the minority house at Penn? How does she like it?

I can’t keep up with Cornel.

My D is in the Towers and has been since freshman year.

I don’t remember about any diversity day or fly ins. Maybe someone else can answer that. We attended an event after her acceptance but not before.

She loves it at Penn. She has taken an active role in student life and is a leader there. She studies really hard and plays really hard.