Debating between...

I'm debating between Western Michigan University and Wayne State University.
Basically I'm just looking for opinions and ups and downs of one verses the other. Any strong feelings or input at all?</p>

<p>I plan on probably transfering after my freshmen year, so that's definately something to take into account.
Also, Although I plan on chugging through required freshmen courses (obviously), with what variability I have I'd like a somewhat wider range of music-related courses open to me, if at all possible.
(Really just flexability in general is a good thing, but not quite as important as I am really focusing on just my freshmen year.)
I also tend to be attracted to a very "alive" atmosphere... as far as I've heard Western beats Wayne in that respect (Kalamazoo vs. Detroit), but if there's any contrary opinions please let me know.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>You're comparing a traditional residential U with a commuter U. Would you live on/near campus if you went to Wayne? Many students do not which affects the evening/weekend social atmosphere and Detroit is not a college town. Kalamazoo is buzzing with student activity and is very lively. Students seem to really like Western/Kzoo and you may find that transferring won't be necessary.</p>

<p>As far as Wayne goes, I think I'd rather live on campus. Even though the social atmosphere is (as far as I've heard) significantly worse than Western's, I still feel it'd be better than commuting.
That aside- Is there anything significant other than community/ social atomosphere that Western has over Wayne (or vice versa if Wayne has something significant over Western)?</p>