Dec 3 Sat Ii Math Ic

<p>It wouldn't be undefined because you'd still get zero in the numerator.</p>

<p>yea but 0/0 is still undefined.</p>

<p>yea i think the 2n one is n=0. crap.</p>

<p>lol yeah, stop dwelling over that 1 question..did we ever find out the right answer for video tapes?</p>

<p>yea i know ha. yea the tapes one was 4 since 8 was the number of increases, not the price.</p>

<p>k good I answered 4 in like 2 seconds of glaring at it after time was called and he was collecting</p>

<p>ok, this thread has died, but we've pretty much answered everything. now, 2 weeks of waiting.</p>

<p>My son didn't finish the SAT Math 1C. Left out 14 questions!!! thinks he might have done well on the 36 he answered. Should he definitely cancel the score if he was only trying to break 600?</p>

<p>14 questions is a lot. Cancel if i were u...last time i got a 750 with 2 ommitted so i would be VERY pessimistic abt a 36 raw.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. My son wanted to cancel, but I wanted to make sure.</p>

<p>what's the min for a 700?</p>

<p>700 = 42 -43 right</p>

<p>I calculated a 710 score w/ 6 omitted and 3-4 wrong...that came out to be a 43 raw score.</p>

<p>im hopin for a 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 curve</p>