Deceased Mother, Absent Father

As a first-time college applier, what would I do if my mother passed away last year, who was the custodial parent, and she was the head-of-household and sole provider before her death? I have no contact with my father and he has not claimed me as a dependent nor provided for me financially. I currently live with friends as a HS senior, and am graduating this August. Is there any forms I should get ready, and will I be able to fill out my FAFSA independently? Will I be forced to provide my father’s financial records even if we are not in contact?

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Do you have a legal guardian? Are you 18 right now?


ETA I’m sorry for the loss of your mom.


Thank you so much. I am 18 years old, and live with HS friend, but other than that I have no legal guardian.

Talk to your school’s social worker or guidance counselor. You may be eligible for benefits and services under the McKinney Vento Act.


You will file your FAFSA with just your information. Then you will answer the question saying that you can’t provide parental information when prompted. You MUST reach out to the school financial aid office to request a professional judgment determination. You will be required to submit information about your situation for review. You’ll have to document your mom’s passing, and you’ll need to provide details about your lack of a relationship with your dad. You’ll need confirmation from someone like a guidance counselor to confirm the situation. It’s possible that the school might not approve what is called a dependency override, allowing you to file as independent. However, if you can document the lack of a relationship, it may well be approved. Alternatively, you may fit the description of a homeless or unaccompanied youth - if your answers to the questions on the FAFSA allow you to file that way, you’ll be considered independent.

I am sorry that you are in this situation. Please feel free to post for any advice you need.


I have no advice right now, but please use CC as a resource. We can be incredibly supportive and helpful, so please use us!!

And I am sorry you are in this situation.


I appreciate the support and advice everyone. I will contact my Financial Aid office and see what they need from me!


Your situation is very difficult and I am so sorry you lost your mom. I am glad friends are giving you a place to stay while you finish high school. One of my daughter’s friends in college lost both parents in the same year and the college was very helpful, giving the student a job and even a place to live on campus during the summer. I hope you meet similar understanding.

You have excellent advice above. I don’t know if you will be doing the CSS Profile as well but there is a special circumstances section. You are doing the best thing by talking with the financial aid at any school you are applying to. Good luck and come back anytime!


OP- hugs.

Do you have siblings and do you have a caseworker, social worker, counselor? Perhaps a religious leader who knows your situation?

You may be entitled to assets, life insurance, social security survivor benefits…I hope there is an adult you trust who is helping you and your siblings…if any…make sure your mom’s estate is being handled correctly. Even a tax refund…you would need to file a tax return for the year your mom passed in order to get the refund… But it belongs to your mom’s heirs and every little bit helps.

Thinking of you… don’t hesitate to ask questions here…