December 13th SSAT scores!


<p>I thought I'd start an official thread for all the score sharing. =]</p>

<p>EDIT: Darn! I'm so silly... it seems one is already in existence! Lol.</p>

<p>Yeah! The scores are in!</p>

<p>Verbal 785 (98%)
Math 767 (89%)
Reading 716 (91%)</p>

<p>Total 2268 (97%)</p>

<p>I am applying to Blair, St. George’s and Lawrenceville. Maybe I should have tried some others now that the great scores are in - but I think it is too late to look at any other schools.</p>

<p>what? I haven’t even gotten mine yet!</p>

<p>My D got her scores as well.
Verbal- 98%
Math 80%
Reading 97%</p>

<p>Total 96%</p>

<p>Oh, dear.</p>

<p>I got an 85 overall… congrats to everybody who did really excellently! I’m impressed! I’m also basically hoping that an 85 is good enough that it won’t really determine anything on my applications. At the very least, I have some comfort that I didn’t do so well on my maths, but my verbal was in the 90’s, so I’m pleased on that… :]</p>

<p>about how many could you get wrong on a verbal section to still get 90-ish scores? thanks!</p>

<p>Quite a bit, actually, which is somewhat comforting. I studied about 300 vocab words for the test, and also knew many just myself, and missed a fair few. I ALSO had to omit some, but I got in the 90s… I think they make the verbal section specifically to test you on words that are very esoteric. Good luck to you :]</p>

<p>I got 3 synonym questions wrong, and 3 analogy questions wrong, and got a 99% in that section. So I think you could miss quite a few and still be in the 90s (:</p>

<p>Verbal 59%
Math 92%
Reading 83%</p>

<p>total 83%</p>

<p>aghh!! :(</p>

<p>not satisfied, but improved a lot from last year</p>

<p>I didn’t do nearly as well as I thought I did on Math, so I’m probably going to retake in January.</p>

<p>Verbal: 72%
Math: 75%
Reading: 98%
Overall: 91%</p>

<p>Yeah I think a lot of people had that…
Your overall is excellent though…</p>

<p>Last year I got an 88 in math, so I do think I can get back to at least the 80’s</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m sure you can… you’re only 5% away. =]
So I take you applied last year as well?</p>

<p>are these scores okay if im applying to exeter, andover, deerfield, SPS, Hotchkiss, and Choate???</p>

<p>Your SSAT Scores</p>

<p>Upper Level Score Range : 500-800</p>

<p>Verbal Score 731
(Personal Score Range: 710 - 752, SSAT Percentile 89%)</p>

<p>Math Score 761
(Personal Score Range: 740 - 782, SSAT Percentile 93%)</p>

<p>Reading Score 764
(Personal Score Range: 743 - 785, SSAT Percentile 99%)</p>

<p>Total Score 2256
(Personal Score Range: NA, SSAT Percentile 97%)</p>

<p>I’d think so.</p>

<p>mmoyan: Yeah, I applied in July last year to a bunch of schools last minute, and decided to go to day school for a year.</p>

<p>hey guys</p>

<p>i have a problem. i got my scores: 83… i did better in november, which was 92. do you think this score is enough for top tiered schools lk sps, deerfield, andover, etc…?? i asked admissions, and they said dont dare taking it again, saying the 92 is enough. do you guys think so?? congrats to everyone who did spectacular. i have a choice: focus on the essay and make a music cd or prepare for the ssat or somehow manage to do both. my parents wont let me take it again… do you think i should NOT take it and focus on essay?</p>

<p>BOTTOM LINE: is 92 a good enough score for top tiered? or do you think i should retake and somewhat sacrifice my focus on the essays?
ps i asked, and 50% of andover’s students is between mid 80s and mid 90s. so 25 % is above that range and below. exeter’s TOTAL average is about 85% (i asked). so, dont fret too much about a low score lk a 92 :slight_smile: (im such a hypocrite, but thats true about the scale thing)</p>

<p>i STILL haven’t gotten mine yet!!!</p>

<p>Freshie123, it depends whether the rest of your application is solid. If you are solid all-around, I would definitely say you should give them the test scores in which you got in the 92nd percentile. If you are lacking in some other area(s) and you want to blow them away with your scores, I would say you might want to consider retaking the test.</p>

<p>ahh still haven’t gotten mine yet!
i’m confident that i got 95 or higher for math and reading…
as for verbal… lol i really don’t think i did well</p>