<p>well i live in GA as well and am actually just chose where to go! well i would have to say its extremely wierd that people aren’t mentioning GCSU more… first of all its the top liberal arts university which seems to be what he is looking for, it is small but not tiny, the campus is beautiful, it is not in a busy city or anything surrounding, but the buildings are all very new and pretty while UGAs dorms look like prison cells and you share a community bathroom with your hallway… gross. (lol no offense to UGA students!) Also, GCSU is ranked highly in academics in the state after Gtech and UGA, and is about tied with GSU but GSU is just more well known and again has an urban campus which some prefer. GCSU is not necessarily really easy to get into, a lot of people go rejected this year, it has 1050-1180 for the mid 50% for SATs and the mid 50% for GPAs is 3.3 to 3.7, so its easier than UGA and Tech but is still difficult for some to get into and doesnt just accept everyone (like alot of the other schools mentioned, ga southern, valdosta, west georgia, etc…).</p>
<p>so i think that it is a really great option! its about 2 hours from atlanta so he could be far enough away, and if he wanted to get an even higher level education he could apply for the honors college there, thats what i did. i didnt even apply to uga, i visited and really didnt like how humongous it was, i like the football games and that aspect but you have to take a bus just to get around campus… not for me… but i am an academically good student and plan on going to med school and didnt want to have to go out of state to get a good education (HOPE of course keeps everyone in GA for the most part which is why UGA competition has gotten so fierce to get in the past couple years). and its tough to find a reputable school after the top two in the state but gcsu and gsu are very good alternatives!</p>
<p>i mean wherever you go you can get a good education it depends how you apply yourself, but if youre looking to get as high reputable degree possible and stay in georgia to get HOPE without having to go to a huge school like UGA or a really hard science/math oriented school like Tech, then i would recommend GCSU and GSU as the next two with good reps, but GSU is in the city and GCSU is not so those are factors to consider… also if you want to be even more reputable in your degree (or if you plan on applying to graduate school) i would recommend the honors college, if you participate in the honors college you will get a lot of special opportunities and it can be a really rewarding experience!</p>
<p>of course if i could afford to go to UNC i would, but i cant. i mean the reason im going to GCSU is because my first choice was Clemson but even i cant get enough aid to go out of state and i have an EFC of 0, which is the most need you can have, the fact is that most public universities really cant meet the need of students most of the time, the fact is that i can go to GCSU and get a great education with a lot of one on one attention with professors and unique study abroad opportunities and come out of undergrad DEBT FREE, so i could actually save up for med school these 4 years since thats where all the money is gonna end up going! lol since i want to go to emorys med school and they dont have in state tuition =[</p>
<p>i would consider all aid packages and compare before deciding, good luck on your decisions! </p>
<p>(sorry my post is like an essay haha but i hope this helped!)</p>