Deciding between Ohio State, Buffalo, and Illinois

HI everyone, I am looking to make my decision soon and was wondering if anyone had any insight or advice they would be willing to share.
My top schools as of right now that I am having a tough time deciding between are Ohio State, University at Buffalo, and University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
My intention last September while applying to all these schools was to go down a pre-med path and do biology as an undergraduate student, so I have gotten into all these schools for Biology.
However, I am now torn because I like the idea of doing computer science or engineering a lot as well. I am kind of stuck between the 3 colleges. UB would be the best if I wanted to do medicine because it has a good program, pretty good medical school, and has a cheaper tuition. On the other hand, UIUC, is the best for computer science and engineering by far, so if I switched majors during my time there it would be the best (but it is the most expensive). In the middle is OSU, which is decent for both medicine and engineering, and has a median price between the 3. I got into the honors college at OSU and UB, which helps with being able to switch majors and classes more easily.
If anyone has any thought please let me know!

I’ve heard that it’s difficult to switch to CS at UIUC (do your research). Are you ok with studying Biology there?

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If you got into UB honors college then I would go there. You would still get the same education as UIUC. The engineering program at UB is up there and I’m sure you won’t regret it. Go there if I were you.


Don’t count on switching into CS at UIUC - it’s nearly impossible.

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Changing into CS or ME at UIUC is very difficult. 3.75 college GPA minimum just to apply for competitive admission.

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Your only realistic choices are UB and TOSU.

Email each one and ask about switching majors.

At UIUC it won’t be possible.

At tOSU, you need to switch into pre-CSE or pre-CIS first:

Then you need to complete the prerequisites and apply to the major:
CSE: need to apply for competitive admission, listing three College of Engineering majors that you are willing to accept.
CIS: complete prerequisites with either 3.2 overall / 2.7 CSE courses or 3.0 overall / 3.2 CSE courses.

CSE = Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering.
CIS = Computer and Information Science in the College of Arts and Sciences. Unlike business-based CIS (Computer Information Systems) majors at other colleges, this is a technically based computer science major.

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Changing into CS at Buffalo is described here: