Deciding Texas A&M Housing

I got into the Engineering LLP, so my choices are limited to Krueger, Aston, and Mosher, but I’m having trouble deciding what to choose.
I’ve heard that Mosher Hall is good for engineering students, but I’ve also read that the social scene is dead (which would be bad for me because I’m trying to expand my sociability). Krueger Hall sounds good because it’s near the Leadership LLP (meaning I would live close to people who are both social and likely willing to help me become a leader figure), but I don’t know anything about the hall besides that.
I don’t know anything about Krueger Hall.

Basically, I’ve been trying to Google information about these dorms for a while now, but I can’t seem to find any solid or useful information (especially any recent info). I’m currently assigned to a Mosher room, but I don’t know enough to decide whether or not I should switch while I still can in these next few days. I want people to tell me the pros and cons of each of the 3 dorms so that I can get a better idea of what I’m choosing, please.

My engineering son is very social and was in Mosher. The dorm wasn’t bad for meeting people but it wasn’t great either. It’s what an individual does in order to meet people. Visit the Freshmen Leadership Organizations when they have their fair. Apply to many of them or all of them. thousands apply and their are only so many spots and many don’t make it. But give it a shot. Then get involved in something. It does not have to be engineering. It could be something that interests you, from underground street dancing, a car club, a singing group, etc.

You won’t meet as many people in classes like you did in high school. There will be nearly 5K engineering freshmen and you will see them for 1 semester and then classes change their makeup the following year. You must get involved to meet people on a constant basis.

Go to fish camp and then participate during the year with your camp group. The leaders are great about doing things with group through the year. Especially during Howdy week.

You’re right; it is what the person does. So since I still need to work on being more outgoing, that means it’s best for me to go to Krueger (especially since one of my best friends will be in the Leadership LLP in that hall, and he’ll be more than willing to teach me what he learns) because I bet I won’t make myself be interactive if I remain on the top floor of Mosher. Also, I found a room with people that share some important interests of mine (one wants to do computer science, and the other is a percussionist), so all of this together makes it a done deal; I switched over. Thanks for helping me make up my mind; I don’t think I’ll have any second doubts about this now. I’m signing up for Fish Camp too.