Decisions not online yet, but Priority decisions are done......

<p>Baltimoron- You may get one tomorrow; My letter came on Saturday and tomorrow is the next operating day for the Post Office.</p>

<p>We are unable to offer you a decision at this time</p>

<p>I’m wondering if this a deferral or if it means they haven’t made a decision yet. </p>


<p>No that just means they havent posted the decisions online yet, Jan. 30 is looking like the date in which they are going to post the decisions.</p>

<p>I did call the UMD and they said that financial aid workshop did not get sent to everybody so i wonder if that is a sign…?</p>

<p>interesting. I have yet to receive such an invitation.</p>

<p>No financial aid invite here. Hmmm.</p>

<p>TeeJanelle, did they say anything about who might have received the notice? I also did not receive one. Was there a box on the application to check if you intended to seek financial aid? I don’t remember.</p>

<p>maybe it could be based on elgibility…I think when we put in our tax/income info and whatnot for in-state elgibility on the application, they used the info to determine financial aid elgibility? I’m not sure, just a guess.</p>

<p>Great I didn’t get this financial aid thing and I’m beginning to freak out. Ahhh I hope that it doesn’t mean anything.</p>

<p>relaxxxxxx people- The “unable to offer a decision” note is only because UMD hasn’t posted the results yet. I called the admissios office a couple minutes ago and asked about the letter. The lady said here was a mix up in the mailing… she also said that decisions have been made and all that’s left is the mailing. I asked if I got in and she said that they cannot disclose results on the phone.</p>


<p>We didn’t get the financial aid thing either, but no need to worry. I don’t think it means anything. My son just got accepted to the College of Engineering at Penn State… got the letter today. He also got accepted to UMBC with scholarship money. His first choice is to be a Terp…</p>

<p>I know it’s hard, but we shouldn’t look too deeply into anything until the official results come. It’s pointless to freak out because you didn’t get a letter for whatever reason. Hang in there for 1-2 more weeks…hell what am I saying, I’m struggling too.</p>

<p>i think everybody is right that it doesnt mean anything because even tho she said everybody didnt get one, she didnt mention if that means you are in or out, but of course she probably wouldn’t tell me</p>

<p>if they only sent those letters to people who got accepted, then that means they’re fullllllly done with decisions and in that case they’d be online already. i didn’t get one either but i’m thinking positive and i really don’t think it means anything one way or the other. also, why would they wait until the 30th? first of all that’s a saturday and i’ve never heard of college decisions being posted on a weekend and second of all if they’re already done why would they have to wait another 2 weeks or so?</p>

<p>Remember folks, we are talking about over 30,000 decisions. That’s a huge database and they have to enter all that data into the system then check it. They will announce the decisions when they are ready.</p>

<p>To those waiting on a decision…UMd is a good college but obviously not the only university around. It all works out in the end.</p>

<p>I doubt the financial aid thing has anything to do with acceptance. I haven’t received one and I’m pretty sure I’m a good applicant lol. It seems to me it’s just a general mailing to learn about the financial aid process</p>

<p>so are the decisions definitely coming out january 30 or is it an earlier date?</p>

<p>I am starting to think that UMD will not notify students next month… it will take a while, considering the record breaking number of applicants (true? That’s what I’ve heard). I’m thinking around the first week of February.</p>

<p>Has anyone thought about telling the Admissions office that they need to overhaul there website? It seems to be very sparse and outdated.</p>

<p>UMD has had record breaking yrs for the past 3, each yr has increased by 5%, I would suspect with the economy the way it is, IS will be more competitive than OOS (maybe the reason they upped the IS to 75% from 70%). My bet is they will top 30K applicants for their 4K spots. Before freaking out, they typically accept 11K for the 4K spots. That being said that still puts an acceptance rate @ 33%.</p>

<p>The Admissions office has no real control over the website since that is controlled by the IT dept. I do agree that the UMD site is not design well. Believe it or not there are many back doors to find out info, such as acceptances and room assignments before the “official release”. Watch this site, there is always someone that finds the new back door, and as soon as it is posted on how to do it, POUNCE on it. Within hours it seems that UMDCP has found out that people are entering through that door and they close it. For all you know, UMDCP personnel lurk on this site. NOT KIDDING! I was personally told in 07 by an admissions officer that they know of CC and watch it. People tend to believe sites like this are back door sites, when in reality they aren’t…kind of like kids thinking that their folks are that stupid to accept the lies. REALITY: We know what you are doing, but we just pick our battles!</p>