Decisions online???

<p>anybody know when the decision wil be displayed on thier website??</p>

<p>This is a bit controversial because each website says different things. According to collegeboard it will be by February 15th, while the Maryland website says by March 1st. Which one has the correct answer is one that I just can’t give you. Hopefully for our sake it’s closer to Mid-February rather than early March.</p>

<p>If history is a predictor, ly it was on line only a few days before the date said it would release them…however, the official snail mail arrived on that date. If UMD website says Mar 1, than that’s going to be the date. LY the date was sometime in Feb, so this might be why people on CC are saying Feb.</p>

<p>He hasn’t specified EA or RD; both come out on different dates… I think… right??</p>

<p>ehh im pretty sure EA is somewhere mid-feb, whereas teh RD will be relseased on March 1st</p>

<p>anybody agree?</p>

<p>RD was released in April last yr.</p>

<p>If you go through the bowels of the UMD website, you will see that if you apply for ED you will receive by mail their decision, than if you go into the FAQ, it states that on line results will be posted and within 2 or 3 weeks you will receive the actual letter. So in a nutshell, online will be sometime in Feb, and the hard copy will be in your hand in March…or at least that is what I am taking away from it</p>

<p>Received acceptance email on Feb 8th last year. Don’t know if that means anything for Class of 2009 acceptance.</p>

<p>Last year, my son’s acceptance appeared online on Feb. 8th.</p>

<p>I remember it being a large range when I was accepted (Fall 2007). Some people were notified early on, closer to mid February. Others didn’t get their decision until the last possible moment, March 1st. And one of my friends didn’t get hers until days after even that!!!</p>

<p>Applicants on the edge, any edge - getting scholarships/not getting them, getting Spring admit/getting Fall admit, not getting in/getting in - tended to get notified later, in my observations.</p>

<p>This is strictly speaking about the online decisions, fyi. I don’t really remember what happened with the mail…</p>

<p>I know that DS got the 1st day out, he found out about his merit scholarship sometime in March.</p>

<p>ehh would i be notified through email?</p>

<p>I do not recall an email it was checking on-line, however that doesn’t mean it won’t happen this yr. I think when they the results are released on line, it means you check your status page.</p>

<p>TRUST ME THE THREADS WILL LIGHT UP LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE AS SOON AS THE 1st PERSON FINDS OUT. i ACTUALLY FOUND OUT BEFORE DS BECAUSE OF CC SAYING THAT THEIR PAGE CHANGED…I texted him at school saying results were out, he texted me his password. Note here: the UMD site got innodated with people checking that it actually went down for about 30-45 minutes, so even if says check back, do so. I first saw accepted Scholars, and texted DS, he asked me to check back to see if it said a program (it won’t and it doesn’t…you apply for that after accepted into the program) When I went back it said check back…I lived in fear for 30 minutes that I jumped the gun…I didn’t , it was back up again</p>

<p>Last year, my son found out his acceptance in an e-mail from Maryland the first week of February.</p>