<p>Does anyone know for sure when ED Decisions are posted online?</p>
<p>I have heard from different people that they will be posted Dec.12th, Dec. 13th, or December 15th.</p>
<p>What is the correct day/time?</p>
<p>Does anyone know for sure when ED Decisions are posted online?</p>
<p>I have heard from different people that they will be posted Dec.12th, Dec. 13th, or December 15th.</p>
<p>What is the correct day/time?</p>
<p>call and ask. it says mailed on the 13th, but we dont really know if that means we’ll get it online the 12th @5, 13th, or 15th.</p>
<p>oh wow <em>scared</em></p>
<p>i am going to be the first person on college confidential… to hearby declare december fourteenth as the official online ED release date!!! Remember that you heard it first here. haha it seems to be an ignored date in the 12 - 15 range we have goin.</p>
<p>because it is a sunday…</p>
<p>eh im not religious… i see no reason not to release it on a sunday… and think it would be perfect for them becuase they wouldn’t have the office open.</p>
<p>i’m pretty sure it was the 12th last year…
good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>i’m pretty sure last year’s was 15th…</p>
<p>well no I’m just saying no to sunday because well, since the office is closed, how will the update it if nobody is there?</p>
<p>Do people even get the mail on Sunday?
<p>I just really don’t think they would randomly release it on a Monday.
It would make more sense to be 12th or 13th</p>
<p>How about the 10th? That’s my birthday! What better bday gift than acceptance into my first choice school?! ehhh? makes sense to me :)</p>
15th is my birthday.
I prefer NOT to have something so stressful on my 18th birthday, hahah.</p>
<p>Catalysis: Like every college with EA or ED releases their decisions on the 15th.</p>
<p>Why is everyone asking this…</p>
<p>[Penn</a> Admissions: Penn’s Admissions Timetable](<a href=“http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/timetable.php]Penn”>http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/timetable.php)</p>
<p>Penn’s is the 13th.</p>
<p>Actually it’s not just Penn, if you go to Cornell’s thread, people are also wondering if Cornell’s ED comes out earlier. Didn’t Yale come out earlier last year? </p>
<p>My new camera comes on the 15th; I prefer taking a happy pic instead a sad one lol</p>
<p>ugh, my post got switched again</p>
<p>thats the date they mail out the decisions… we are discussing the supposed date that admissions decisions are posted online</p>
<p>why don’t they just tell us?
put another line in the timetable for online notification</p>
<p>last year for ED, online decisions were posted at 5pm on 12/14/07:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-pennsylvania/432843-official-university-pennsylvania-ed-2008-decisions.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-pennsylvania/432843-official-university-pennsylvania-ed-2008-decisions.html</a></p>