<p>the admissions blog states decisions will be released online at 4 pm on wednesday. i am already shaking</p>
<p>Monday, January 12, 2009
4 p.m. on Wednesday</p>
<p>As of a few minutes ago, weve confirmed that were on track to release decisions online at 4 pm on Wednesday, January 14.</p>
<p>If you applied first deadline and completed your application in good order, youll be able to log onto your UNC homepage and view a facsimile of your decision letter. Official letters should start arriving by U.S. mail on Thursday, January 15. Please note that, to protect the privacy of our candidates, we cant release decisions by telephone or by email.</p>
<p>We know that each of these decisions will shape the life of someone who lives and breathes. We also know that each of these someones is infinitely more interesting, complicated, and promising than we can imagine.</p>
<p>If choosing among such wonderful students is a humbling and terrifying challenge, it is also a great privilege. So thank you, candidates, for giving us this opportunity; for trusting us enough to let us glimpse your great potential; and for bearing with us over the course of the last two weeks, when the tension has understandably been high.</p>
<p>–Stephen Farmer</p>
<p>if there is a snow day tomorrow, this will make my week!!!</p>
<p>does anyone know does this mean 4 pm eastern time?</p>
<p>of course is that even a valid question considering it is i that time zone and everything legit in the US is on eastern time</p>
<p>duh! …</p>
<p>I’m so glad we finally know when it will be! That alone just made me a lot less anxious :)</p>
<p>I might not even check till Thursday anyways. We have midterms Thursday and I don’t want to be too depressed to study on Wednesday night. Plus, there is no school on Friday so it might be nice to not have to tell anyone for a while</p>
<p>wow im really excited!!!</p>
<p>We live in NC. D says that for the last week or so, there are crowds of kids who stop at the computers in the library every day between classes to check! Another girl logged on to the UNC site on the teacher’s computer in the back of the classroom during class. Good thing they’re not releasing them in the middle of the day!</p>
<p>I am just glad everyone can at least TRY to focus on something else and not spend time logging on and logging on and logging on to see!!! :)</p>
<p>this means i can run to the computer while still at school and check: 305 pm central time woot</p>
<p>anyone know if you get the large envelope at first if you’ve been accepted?</p>
Yes. At least that’s how it was last year.</p>
<p>do the decisions online say anything about acceptance to the honors college, or financial aid?? or does that come with the snail mail</p>
<p>you wont find out about the honors college until later, and the financial aid application isnt even due until march the first, so who knows.</p>
<p>are decisions about the honors college released for EA applicants at the same time as admission or not until everyone has been admitted?</p>
<p>financial aid… i meant scholarships. ones like pogue and robertson, and any ones you didnt have to apply for</p>
<p>i am so greatful they released the decision date…at least I can think about something other than when it will be now! I am surprised, however, that they are not following suit with Friday notification. One hopes there won’t be many angry phone calls!</p>
<p>Yay! I can’t wait! I am so excited to find out!</p>