Decisions Thread! Post your STATS here!

<p>Since every other thread is doing it...and this is a semi-popular forum:</p>

<p>Do it in this format.</p>

<p>*Decision: Accepted *
*Decision: Rejected *</p>

<p>Date applied: X
Date decision postmarked/received: X
Accepted at which school/major at UW: X</p>

[<em>] SAT Total: X M: X, CR: X, WR: X,
[</em>] ACT: X
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests: X
[</em>] GPA-UW/W: X/X
[<em>] Rank: X
[</em>]AP/IB classes: X
[<em>] Essays: X
[</em>] Teacher Recs: X
[<em>] Counselor Rec: X
[</em>] EC highlights: X[/ul]
Location/Person:[ul][<em>] State or Country: X
[</em>] School Type: X
[<em>] Ethnicity: X
[</em>] Gender: X
Other Factors, hook?: X</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW...?: X</p>

<p>**Decision: Accepted **</p>

<p>Date applied: 12/1/2008
Date decision postmarked/received: 1/3/2008
Accepted at which school/major at USC: School of Engineering, Pre-Engineering (though I signed up for physics)</p>

[<em>] SAT Total: M: 770, CR: 690, WR: 690,
[</em>] ACT: 32
[<em>] SAT Subject Tests: 800 Math 1, 750 Math 2, 700 USH, 680 Bio-E
[</em>] GPA-UW: 3.77
[<em>] Rank: 46/440
[</em>]AP/IB classes: X
[<em>] Essays: Eh…risky. One was a slam poem.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Fairly good.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Sucked.
[</em>] EC highlights: Violin - 4 Years; Track - 4 years…I have over 20 extracurriculars…[/ul]
Location/Person:[ul][<em>] State or Country: WA, USA
[</em>] School Type: Public Secondary
[<em>] Ethnicity: Chinese American
[</em>] Gender: Male
Other Factors, hook?: None</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to USC…?: Total back-up school.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: 10/15/2008
Date decision postmarked/received: 11/20/2008
Accepted at which school/major at UW: College of Arts and Sciences, Asian Languages & Literature pre-major (Japanese)</p>

[ul]SAT Total: 2060 M: 660, CR: 700, WR: 700[/ul]
[ul]ACT: 31[/ul]
[ul]SAT Subject Tests: 690 Literature, 710 US History, 650 Japanese[/ul]
[ul]GPA-UW: 3.63[/ul]
[ul]Rank: 31/320[/ul]
[ul]AP/IB classes: AP US History, AP Biology, AP Statistics, AP English, AP US Government[/ul]</p>


<p>Essays: Pretty safe… one was about crew, the other was about how I love languages.[/ul]
[ul]Teacher Recs: Good, I guess. I didn’t read them.[/ul]
[ul]Counselor Rec: Good.[/ul]
[ul]EC highlights: Crew - 3 years, Clarinet - 6 years, volunteer work, etc.[/ul]</p>


<p>State or Country: Oregon, USA[/ul]
[ul]School Type: Public Secondary[/ul]
[ul]Ethnicity: Caucasian[/ul]
[ul]Gender: Female[/ul]</p>

<p>Other Factors, hook?: Recruited athlete (Men’s crew)</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW…?: I’ll probably end up attending UW. The Japanese program there is 3rd, only behind Harvard and Yale, so I’m pretty jazzed.</p>

<p>ceetie bee - how were you a recruited athlete for men’s crew if you’re a girl? congrats though!</p>

<p>I’m a coxswain, so it doesn’t matter if I’m not a boy. Husky Crew has a new policy of recruiting only female coxswains for the men’s team, since we don’t technically take any recruiting slots (because we’re not guys) – so that leaves more opportunity to get more male rowers.</p>

<p>And thanks, firefly! I’m excited.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: Dec. 1st
Date decision postmarked/received: Jan. 6th
Accepted at which school/major at UW: College of Arts and Science, Chemistry</p>

SAT Total: 2020 M: 680, CR: 680, WR: 660,
ACT: 31
SAT Subject Tests: Didn’t send them in
GPA-UW: 4.0 UW
Rank: 1
AP/IB classes: AP English Lang/Lit, AP U.S. History, AP Comp Gov, AP Calculus</p>

Essays: Pretty good, no unusual topics
Teacher Recs: Only sent one in for honors, and it was good
Counselor Rec: Good
EC highlights: NHS President, 4 year member of Key Club, attended WASC, awards from Science Decathlon regional competition, a lot of community service</p>

State or Country: Washington
School Type: Public, non-competitive
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Other Factors, hook?: Not really</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW?: Most likely going here if I get into Honors/Washington NASA Space Grant. If not, I am not sure…</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: 11/20 (around then…)
Date decision postmarked/received: Jan 21
Accepted at which school/major at UW: Biology major</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 2220 M: 780, CR: 710, WR: 730,

  • ACT: didnt take
  • SAT Subject Tests: 800 biology-m, 760 math ii
  • GPA-UW/W: 98/101.8
  • Rank: 7/303
  • AP/IB classes: english, euro, us history, physics, biology, chemistry, calculus, french, psychology


<pre><code>* Essays: introducing myself (it was a tad strange)

  • Teacher Recs: i don’t remember this part…
  • Counselor Rec: my counselor barely knows my name
  • EC highlights: nhs, yearbook co-ed, orchestra, foreign exchange, some others


<pre><code>* State or Country: ny

  • School Type: public
  • Ethnicity: asian. yo.
  • Gender: f

<p>Other Factors, hook?: none…</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW…?: i waited for scholarship money to come, but only got a little… so at this rate, i really can’t afford the out of state tuition. <em>crycrycry</em> i really wanted to go to washington too…</p>

<p>**Decision: Accepted **</p>

<p>Date applied: 11-30-08
Date decision postmarked/received: 2-13-09
Accepted at which school/major at UW: College of Arts and Science</p>

SAT Total: 1730 M: 650, CR: 560, WR: 520,
ACT: 26
SAT Subject Tests: MATH II 640, US History 510
GPA-UW/W: 3.8 UW/4.6W
Rank: 18/489
AP/IB classes: Stats, Calculus AB, Government</p>

Essays: talked about family struggles, immigrating to america
Teacher Recs: none
Counselor Rec: none
EC highlights: orchestra all four years, key club, mu alpha theta, nhs, community service</p>

State or Country: Nevada
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: Female
Other Factors, hook?: none</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW…?: not sure if I want to go. Still deciding</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted </p>

<p>Date applied: Jan 15
Date decision postmarked/received: Feb 16
Accepted at which school/major at UW: English</p>

SAT Total: 1920 M: 610, CR: 640, WR: 680,
SAT Subject Tests: US History (590) Biology M (630)
GPA-UW/W: UW: 3.68
Rank: ?
AP/IB classes: Gov, Lit, Euro, Bio
Essays: I thought they were good–talked about creative writing and the time I spent in Finland
Teacher Recs: mm dont think the uw needed teacher recs
Counselor Rec: none
EC highlights: editor in chief of paper, rowed for 4 years, had a job for four years, published short story, several abroad experiences
Location/Person: Suburb of Seattle
State or Country: WA, USA
School Type: Tough w/great reputation at UW
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Other Factors, hook?: dont think so. </p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW…?: depends on where else i get in.</p>



<p>What the Japanese program is third? Like the language one? Whaaaaaaaat?</p>

<p>News to me.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: 12/1/08
Date decision postmarked/received: 12/29/08 (or thereabouts)
Accepted at which school/major at UW: Applied as computer science major and was also accepted into honors</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 2240 M: 800, CR: 740, WR: 700,

  • ACT: 34
  • SAT Subject Tests: N/A
  • GPA-UW/W: 3.92/4.13
  • Rank: 2/186
  • AP/IB classes: APUSH(4), AP BIO (5)…lots and lots of what are called College In the Schools classes though - Chem 1&2, Calc 1&2, Psych, English, Western Civ I. CIS classes mean I was enrolled as a student in local colleges and universities and received college credit from the schools.


<pre><code>* Essays: I thought they were really good, talked about a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico and about the cultural differences I experienced when I moved from Kentucky to Minnesota.

  • Teacher Recs: About as good as they come.
  • Counselor Rec: I don’t think she did one.
  • EC highlights: Science Olympiad (since 6th grade), inaugural F.I.R.S.T. Robotics team, independent-study of C++ programming language, community service for church and NHS, and 1st chair trombonist in school wind ensemble, marching band, and jazz band.


<pre><code>* State or Country: MN

  • School Type: small, fairly competitive public
  • Ethnicity: caucasian
  • Gender: M

<p>Other Factors, hook?: None really. Maybe the depth of some of my E.C.'s?</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW…?: I really wanted to go to UW because of the job opportunities, good school reputation, and beeauuutttifffulll campus and surroundings, but I was offered a full ride by my state’s university and nothing from UW, so I definitely can’t afford to go…stuck in the stupid midwest for another 4 years… :(</p>

<p>I’m just doing this so I can see the big green “accepted”…:). </p>

<p>**Decision: ACCEPTED! **
Date applied: Dec. 16
Date decision postmarked/received: Feb. 5
Accepted at which school/major at UW: Engineering</p>


<pre><code>* SAT Total: 2200 770: , CR: 700, WR: 730,

  • ACT: X
  • SAT Subject Tests: X
  • GPA-UW/W: 3.87/4.00
  • Rank: N/A
  • AP/IB classes: X


<pre><code>* Essays: Very fantastic (I’ve gotten a 12 every time I’ve taken the SAT…haha, that’s kind of a joke essay though.)

  • Teacher Recs: Very Great
  • Counselor Rec: Very Great
  • EC highlights: Involved in A LOT; I don’t really want to write it down right now; I’ve done a lot of inter-tribal work as well.


<pre><code>* State or Country: MN

  • School Type: Very competitive college prep school.
  • Ethnicity: American Indian
  • Gender: Female

<p>Other Factors, hook?: Perhaps the combination of extremely rigorous schooling and my heritage, which will bring a unique perspective to campus?</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW…?: Lol, I feel the same way as the person above me (ah, yes, I dislike the Midwest as well); however, I was offered a full-tuition scholarship from Madison…is yours from U of M?</p>

<p>@dpattzlover: </p>

<p>Yeah, my scholarship is from the U of M. About half of the money I received is for being a national merit finalist (forgot to mention that on my stats post). </p>

<p>I’m really happy to have an opportunity for a free education, but at the same time it kind of sucks because I hardly get any flexibility on where I go to school. I absolutely loved Washington when I visited.</p>


<p>Yeah. That’s what about 8 surveys that my college counselor had said. They really do have a great department – one of the largest in the country.</p>

<p>But anyway, that’s a bit off topic.</p>

<p>NorthernLights: What do you plan to go into? I really liked Madison and would be happy going there (and not having to pay tuition ;)), but my parents are graciously letting me see how things are going to turn out for my other schools…to what other schools did you apply? U of M is a great school, especially for math and engineering…however, it’s cold. </p>

<p>Which brings me to my next question; will you guys on here perhaps chance me for my other top choices, which are Stanford, WUSTL, Northwestern, and Duke? I absolutely love Stanford (though have never visited) and it seems perfect for me. I’ve chatted with the liaison to Native applicants quite a bit and, surprisingly, she has given me a lot of positive encouragement, though i know not to take it too far because this year is so competitive. Anybody willing to chance?</p>

<p>Oh and has anyone here applied or at least gotten the invite to Seattle’s ALVA GenOM project? It sounds great (basically a paid internship on campus)…I wasn’t get much a response on the thread i started so…?</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date applied: Dec. 1st
Date decision postmarked/received: January something, forgot :slight_smile:
Accepted at which school/major at UW: College if Arts and Sciences, undeclared</p>

SAT Total: 2060 M: 680, CR: 640, WR: 740,
ACT: 33
SAT Subject Tests: math - 670, lit - 690
GPA-UW: 3.97 UW
Rank: 52/774. thats what i get for not taking a lot of APs
AP/IB classes: AP English Lang, AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Bio, AP Gov</p>

Essays: Okay I guess. I just copy pasted my UC essay haha
Teacher Recs: My honors recommendation was good I think
Counselor Rec: Good
EC highlights: 4 years of marching band/concert band (section leader), founder of badminton club, student-run quartet for 2 years, etc.
State or Country: Los Angeles, CA, USA
School Type: Public, pretty competitive
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Other Factors, hook?: Nope</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to UW?: Most likely not going here. Out of state tuition sucks and I heard they rarely give scholarships</p>

<p>@dpattzlover: </p>

<p>I’ll be going into computer science with an emphasis on graphics and AI, then grad school…U of M is a good school, but it’s all of the things besides the actual education part that worry me (like campus size, weather, etc). Besides UW and the U of M, I’ve been accepted to the University of Illinois @ UC and the University of Massachusetts @ Amherst. I also applied to Yale as a reach school but I won’t hear back from them until March 31. My parents are pretty inflexible on the subject of me attending the U of M. They’ve stated that, even if I get accepted into Yale, I would need practically a full ride to go (which is stupid because my family almost makes to much to be considered for financial aid at Yale, let alone a full ride). I guess I’ve just got to wait and see how things pan out. Maybe UW will even offer me some money (haha, not)!</p>

<p>I’d say your stats are good enough to give you the same chance as anyone else at a top school like Stanford. Personally, I’m hoping my adcom is eating a really good doughnut or something when they read my file :).</p>

<p>I’m going to Stanford as I am in!</p>

<p>gah, I’m jealous. Congrats! :)</p>

<p>anyone got accepted recently? i’m still waiting for mine</p>