Deferred at Davidson...

<p>Davidson is my top choice and i just found out i was deferred! I applied under the early decisions plan. I really don't know what that means about my chances. Is getting deferred better than getting wait-listed? Im top of my class and losts of community service and extra curric's. SAT wasn't all that dandy. 510 610 590....
Anyone know anything about getting defered? Sorry if i sound scattered, I'm kinda shooken up... lol</p>

<p>meant to say “lots” not “losts”</p>

<p>I have no idea what your academic achievements are, but your SAT scores definitely stand out as for what may have prevented you from being accepted to Davidson. Off the top of my head, Davidson’s mean SAT scores are well into the 600s…</p>

<p>Yea…thats seems to be a downfall on my app. I mean…i have a 4.0 GPA unweighted…shouldn’t that be the best indication of my potential success. I guess there were tons of perfect gpas with way better tests scores though…</p>