Deferred from Cornell, chances for RD?

<p>Hi everyone! I was deferred ED from Cornell. I am debating whether I should apply ED2 to Tufts or take my chances and keep my app in for regular admission to Cornell. Please chance me for regular admission to ILR! Also my sister went to Cornell, I'm not sure if that helps at all. </p>

CR: 750 W: 760 M: 700 (2210)</p>

<p>I go to a top prep school in New England and take almost all AP/ honors classes.
GPA unweighted: 3.45. I'm not sure what it is weighted, but basically I have gotten mostly A- and B+.
Senior Year grades:
AP English: A-
AP Art History: A
Calculus: A
Chemistry: A-
AP French 4: A-</p>

4 year varsity soccer player, captain senior year.
Editor of high school newspaper
tour guide
peer tutor</p>