Deferred Results

<p>I don't know how many deferees still hang out around here. I came back after decisions were mailed out - I guess I might as well find out how everyone else fares out. Good luck to everyone!! I'm nervous but not nearly as nervous as I was on December 12th (crying hysterically at 12 AM before I got my decision...yeah...). I'll be happy if I get waitlisted - even though I probably won't get in if I do, at least it's not complete bad news like rejection. So any other deferees care to share their thoughts before we found out our final verdict tomorrow??</p>

<p>Since being deferred in EA I have grown less interested in MIT, so I am not particularly stressed about (possibly) receiving the decision tomorrow.</p>

<p>keep bumping up old threads</p>

<p>I am now nervous. I know that I will be rejected most likely, but I have a tiny glimmer of hope.... I think being deferred then rejected will be sad, but I think I prefer it to an outright rejection. I'm glad I tried and hope one of my other reach applications pans out. Good luck to everyone who was deferred EA. Some of us have to get in, right?</p>

<p>after being deferred, i totally cried my eyes out, but now, i am just expecting rejection, they obviously didn't wnat me the first, time, so what chance do i have now? waitlisting would suck more, cause its like, we like you, but no room, and you only have a tiny chnace about getting into the school....oh well, we will find out the vertdict later this week</p>