<p>What exactly is superscore??
I heard that it's sending best section scores. Is it correct?
If it is, how does it exactly work?</p>
<p>Lets say you take the test twice, in Oct. and Dec., and submit both sets of scores.</p>
<p>October scores: E30, Math 25, science 25, reading 32</p>
<p>December scores: E 28, Math 28, science 25, reading 34</p>
<p>Superscoring means that the college considers the highest subscores from these 2 seatings for admission and/or merit aid. Some schools superscore the ACT, but more schools superscore the SAT than the ACT.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure not many colleges superscore ACT because of score choice, meaning you can pick your highest score out of any one sitting (if you took it more than once)</p>
<p>SAT has always been that all your scores get reported, so to be fair, colleges tend to want to give an advantage to SATers</p>
<p>Bloog, those that are currently juniors will have score choice for SATs.</p>
<p>I’m currently a sophomore, so if I take SAT twice before my junior year, will I be able to choose which score to send in my senior year?</p>
<p>[Score</a> Choice](<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/sat-reasoning/scores/policy]Score”>Send SAT Scores to Colleges - SAT Suite | College Board)</p>
<p>thanks northeastmom!</p>
<p>Your welcome, and good luck!</p>
<p>So do colleges superscore SAT scores?</p>