<p>It is unbelievable that Delta Zeta thinks it has been "wronged" by Depauw. You would think Delta Zeta would have the common sense to avoid more negative publicity.</p>
<p>In case we weren't sure those ladies had their heads screwed on wrong, now we know. Best possible outcome I can foresee: all the other colleges de-charter them (or whatever it's called). I won't hold my breath. I hope they lose BIG TIME and have to foot the legal bills for DePauw as well.</p>
<p>Good grief. In their shoes, I think I'd advise just slinking away quietly.</p>
<p>However, from what I've seen from the response to the DePauw thing, the leadership seems to believe in digging in its heels and sticking to its guns, so maybe this response should not surprise me.</p>
<p>Well they first put their foot in their mouths. Now they seem to be inserting their heads up you know where. </p>
<p>I think they just have trouble looking at the real cause of the problem. The school is not the problem, even the greek system is not the problem. The problem is the few people at the top of this organization whom for some reason have the same disconnect as the folks at the WH.</p>
<p>I think, in everyone's zeal to pile on DZ (zeal I share, by the way), we are all forgetting that from the outset the national sorority claimed that it had formulated its plan of action based on discussions with the Greek Life dean (or whatever he is called) at De Pauw. Notwithstanding the university president's sudden acquisition of a spine in the days following the NYT article, there are several indications that his administration had its hand in these actions up to the elbow. The unpopularity of the De Pauw DZ chapter was a problem for the university. I would bet that the university told the national office in no uncertain terms to get that problem solved ASAP. Mr. Greek Dean may not have added "by any means necessary" verbatim -- Greek Deans in general not being great quoters of Malcolm X -- but that could very well be what he meant, and what he communicated to the obtuse (but slender!) national officers of DZ.</p>
<p>It's not going to go to trial. DePauw will pay them off. The costs of winning the case, which will air lots more dirty laundry (real or concocted) about DePauw's relationship with other Greeks, are just too high.</p>