<p>I have heard that denison does a 3:2 co-op engineering program with case. I was wondering if i could get this clarified.</p>
<p>I have heard that denison does a 3:2 co-op engineering program with case. I was wondering if i could get this clarified.</p>
<p>Search the Denison web site and you get this –</p>
<p>[Pre-Professional</a> Programs](<a href=“Denison University | A top liberal arts college located in Ohio”>Denison University | A top liberal arts college located in Ohio)</p>
<p>Not Case Western … see below</p>
<p>Engineering Program
With a long-standing tradition of strength in science and pre-engineering, Denison offers two plans to prepare for an engineering career. In the first, students receive a bachelor’s degree after four years at Denison with a major in natural sciences or mathematical sciences, followed by two years of graduate work at another institution leading to a master’s degree in engineering. Graduate schools at numerous universities have accepted Denison students and visit the campus regularly. </p>
<p>The second plan is a “3-2” program in which students study three years at Denison and two at an affiliated engineering school and receive two bachelor’s degrees. Denison is affiliated in such programs with: </p>
<p>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Washington University in St. Louis
Columbia University
The required math and science courses typically include: </p>
<p>Three semesters of beginning calculus
Differential Equations
Three semesters of beginning physics
Modern Physics
Two semesters of general chemistry
Introduction to Computer Science </p>
<p>Additional courses may be required, depending on the chosen field of engineering. For further information, contact Dr. C. Wesley Walter, Chair of the Physics and Astronomy Department.</p>