Dental school loan.

I selected graduate and professional…because if I selected any other ones the calculator will be $0. here’s the link again

one more thing, what should be the 2nd plan if I got rejected by dental school? I don’t think I can apply for any good jobs with a regular bachelor’s degree…

I ran that very calculator and I got $25K/semester without housing or meals. There are TWO semesters each year of school so you need to double the $25K to get one year’s tuition & fees. So $75K/year allows you a modest $25k/year for living expenses.

As for the startclass site--it has its problems (mostly because it uses old data), but...

VCU's dental school own FAQ webpage says it has ~2500 applicants annually for 95 seats. (That's where the quoted material comes from.) That's a 3.7-3.8% acceptance rate.

Additionally VCU doesn't have a strong in-state bias in admission with typically only 60% of the class being in-state. 

<a href=""></a> 

I can’t tell what your Plan B ought to be. That’s a very personal decision. It depends on your interests, your aptitudes, your tolerance for risk, your willingness to take on debt, the kind of lifestyle you want, etc.

I can think of plenty of job that are possible with a BA/BS degree in bio. Start your research by googling “jobs for biology majors”.

You can make yourself more employable by developing in-demand skills such as some basic computer programming skills (MatLab, JAVA) and taking additional math classes (stats, plus calc thru DiffQ). Use your summers to do industry-based or state/federal government internships.

If you want to remain in a healthcare profession, here’s a site to help you learn about other healthcare careers:

And as a datapoint before you lecture me more on the reliability of information resources--I'm a medical librarian. I know more about finding reliable info sources that you can even imagine.

thank you so much for spending your time helping me! I think if I get rejected by dental schools the 1st time I apply, I would get a decent job out of my bachelors degree until I pay all of my ungrad loans and get a ton of experience. I won’t make much at 1st but I understand theres no easy path to success. I don’t see a lot of young dentists or doctor, either. After everything is under control when I’m in a good financial situation, I’ll apply again and again…until I get accepted. Does this sound like a good plan to you? By the way, I’m not even an undergrad, I’m currently enjoying my summer and I’ll be a hs junior next year. Biology/astronomy/piano has been my favorite subjects since I was little and dentistry seems to be the best job I can get from my interest in these subjects. I’ve been working as hard as I can at school I even took away my easy foreign language class to get another IB chem. Once again, thanks for the help and sorry for my bad english!

As for trying over and over–that’s extremely counter-productive.

You want to apply only once and with the strongest application possible. Re-applicants always face greater scrutiny and are held to higher standards than first time applicants. Also a number of med schools (and I imagine dental schools also) do not accept third-time applications.

So if you don’t gain an acceptance after going thru 2 or 3 rounds of applications, give it up and go do something else with your life.

Btw, it’s much too soon to say only dentistry is your only possible career. There are all sorts of careers out in the world that you haven’t even heard of yet. Keep an open mind.

@WayOutWestMom yes it’s definitely too soon; btw, is it better to apply for dental school RIGHT after my undergrad graduation or is it better to work for a few years, gain some experience, pay my loans and THEN apply for dental school?; but how do dental schools look at applicants though? beside gpa, dat score, credits, bachelors major etc.?

Just read this thread and must say that you’re a little dilusional. First of all you’re still in high school so have no idea what you want to do with your life. And second as to dental school price and acceptances… My friend’s son who is brilliant and had a really high GPA and DAT score didn’t get into his instate dental school or any dental schools first time around. He applied second cycle and got into out of state private. I believe he’s taking close to $100K loans per year. Dental schools have high equipment fees first year. I think it’s at least $10K. That’s in addition to tuition. Also dental class size seems to be smaller then med school. I’m not sure which is harder to get into but below 4% acceptance rate is VERY low. You should go to college in 2 years see how you do first few years and then come back to this forum with questions if you’re still interested.

OP: Two things: first, there is a dental forum on cc. Second, there’s a lot of good current advice above, which you don’t seem to want to consider. But most important, especially since it’s become something of an election issue-the rules on school loans constantly change, and may change a great deal after this election. You would be well advised to start focusing your energies on getting admitted to college, and how to pay for college, and to forget about dental school. You are getting way ahead of yourself.

@momworried how high was his gpa and what dental school did he go to? 100k doesnt seem too much i expected 200. Did his parents pay the most? I just wanna get ahead of myself a little bit. Your friends son cant do it doesnt mean i cant do it either; what if everybody thinks that way? There are people in my class who want to be surgeons without know that it takes 15 years to become one.And, i know dental school is hard so i wanna get a job out of my bachelors degree first; after a few years i can start applying @jalfred okay I’ll look it up.

You really need to read the info presented here carefully. It’s $100K loan PER YEAR. Which makes it $400K total for 4 years. That’s before accumulated interest! His GPA was close to 4.0 and his DAT was something like 99.5%. And he was 26 when he was applying so out of undergrad for few years and working. Judging by your English, are you an immigrant? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging. I’m an immigrant also. Just curious.

@momworried 400k for dental school…? I dont think its worth it financially…yes I’m an immigrant, I just moved here 10 months ago. Believe it or not, I learned english through youtube. But how could he get rejected if he got a 4.0 gpa and a NINETY NINE POINT FIVE percent dat score??? what major is his bachelors degree? what job did he get from it?