DePaul financial aid for transfer students?

<p>I noticed on their website they have some pretty generous financial aid for freshmen students and almost nothing for transfer students.... Does this mean a transfer student who will go to DePaul for their sophomore year is not eligible for Dean's Scholarship, Presidential, etc? I have heard mixed reviews about DePaul's financial aid. I'm already planning a transfer from UT Austin's McCombs School of Business into DePaul's College of Commerce. Will I get good financial aid, considering these stats:</p>

<p>High school rank: 7/586
GPA (weighted): 4.3
SAT: 2100
ACT: 31</p>

<p>LOTS of ECs, LOTS of volunteering, all the PAP/AP/IB classes I could take (don't want to bore, but they're all very solid).... EFC of 0. Very good writer, come from a difficult/interesting background... I think I will do well at McCombs and my college GPA will be ok... I know McCombs is ranked higher than Depaul but... I love Chicago too much. What are my chances of getting good financial aid at DePaul? Any advice on what to do to be eligible for more?</p>

<p>* Does this mean a transfer student who will go to DePaul for their sophomore year is not eligible for Dean’s Scholarship, Presidential, etc?*</p>

<p>It sounds like these are scholarships that are only available to incoming freshmen. If so, then that means that a transfer student wouldn’t get them.</p>

<p>*If you are a freshman admitted for the fall term, you’ll be considered for academic scholarships based on your academic achievement in high school. *</p>

<p>It looks like DePaul does offer some transfer scholarships, but those are for smaller amounts.</p>

<p>Are you already in college and want to transfer?</p>

<p>I am still in high school. I know everyone is saying give UT a chance and trust me, I do love it! But I want to work in Chicago and most McCombs kids usually get contracts within TX.</p>

<p>Are you a senior in high school? Did you apply to DePaul or any other Chicago-area schools?</p>

<p>Just curious…why do you want to work in Chicago?</p>

<p>Yes I’m a Senior and didn’t apply for anywhere but UT. Regretabbly, of course. Chicago is just my favorite city I can’t imagine being anywhere else. There are no good middle schools really in Chicago. U of Chi is far too rigorous as well as Northwestern. DePaul is my best bet. I hear the Business school is good as long as you plan to stay in Chi.</p>

<p>You didn’t give us any financial background to give us a basis to assess what kind of need-based aid you might get, but I just want to point out you are talking about a PRIVATE school with a $50k-plus price tag each year versus a better ranked public academic institution.</p>

<p>With all due respect, I am not sure how as a business school student you would rationalize the differential in cost on an ROI basis – whether your “aid” is loan or grant (as it’s likely to be both). Why not hold that Chi-town thought for MBA or other grad work? Just a question … There’s love (as in your love for Chicago) and then there’s money (which is what DePaul will require) ;)</p>

<p>One further thought – if you’re a 4.3 (what’s your unweighted?) with your standardized scores you’re not really too far outside the admit field at Northwestern if you have a hook (aka interesting background and NU loves truly good writers). Did you tour? NU meets demonstrated need – so if you’re high need, you might actually have a shot that’s also fiscally practical. Perhaps you have the same shot at DePaul – just don’t believe their known to meet need.</p>

<p>Because of the education cutbacks in Texas people like me with an EFC of 0 went from having full rides at UT to almost $12,000/year in debt. They’re not doling out the grants like they used to. I’d rather be at DePaul and in a city I love even if I have to pay the same debt… standard of living and happiness is important too. Location is important too. Northwestern is in Evanston I believe and DePaul’s School of Commerce is right in the loop. Also at Northwestern I feel I would have a lot of difficulty passing the classes… it’s not just about getting in.</p>

<p>Fair enough re NU, and too bad about $12k a year in debt, but wouldn’t you have substantially more debt at Depaul since their COA is greater than $50k??? (each year!)</p>

<p>You might be willing to attend DePaul for the same amount of debt, but you would have much higher debt.</p>