DeSantis told all public universities in Florida to hand over the medical records of all trans students

Red herring. The data request wasn’t for minors.


The data requested is aggregate and lacks PII.

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Working at a public university and treating students years ago- I was asked to hand over paper medical records to my superior (I think to see if they should put students on probation for suicidal thoughts). I refused based on patient confidentiality. After that I recommended that the students go to a clinic not associated with their place of study.


No one is visiting violence on someone based on this request. Costing people their livelihoods based on a vaccination is violence.


Next time refer the matter to your general counsel’s office. There is a procedure for improper PII requests. Emplyees making uninformed legal and medical judgments and referrals are a lawyers nightmare

According to the article . . .

In addition, he wants their ages and the dates they received gender-affirming care.

That’s not a request for aggregated data.


Depends upon how the data is presented, just like covid data, which is usually broken out by age range of patient and presented in weekly or sometimes monthly increments. Each of these public universities is large and presumably include dependents, faculty and staff n as well as students. I understand the request is for info on anyone, even unaffiliated members of the public, who sought medical care at a university hospital for gender dysphoria, and for students who were referred elsewhere. Given that it covers a 5 year period, the reports might be quarterly.

I dont see any exemption for minors, and the data requested includes number of puberty blocking prescriptions, so I would assume all patients are included

Requests for “the date of treatment” are not requests for aggregate information. :person_shrugging:t4:


We can agree to disagree.

There just aren’t that many college students under 18. I started college at 17 and so did my daughter, but it was just one semester and we didn’t immediately seek a major medical change upon arriving at campus. To even get an appointment may have taken us until we were 18, or required a parent’s permission.

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And people who are not vaccinated against polio cannot go to public school in the United States or work in a medical setting.

There is a public purpose for vaccination. To keep the whole public healthy. Kind of like not being allowed to drive drunk. To keep others on the road alive.

There is no public purpose for anyone to know if an individual sought gender-confirming care. It’s not contagious, like polio.


I’m not sure what the article is talking about. I don’t see any request for dates of treatment in the official document. This is an example:

“ 4. Provide the following information for all sex-reassignment treatments:

a. The number of individuals prescribed puberty blockers. Of that number, provide a breakdown by age.”

Sounds aggregate to me.


Yes, presumably at least some members of the public seek care for their minor childrens gender issues at University-owned hospitals in Florida. There are all sorts of medical guidelines on that issue regarding at what age what can be done.
Certainly a debated issue not just in the US but Europe too now. Given the regulations on it across the world, there is apparently a public interest in knowing what medical treatment is being provided to minors on this ( or any other) issue. Insurance companies also have begun to restrict certain types of care by age.

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Posts which spread misinformation will be deleted.


And Covid vaccine posts in general will be deleted as being off-topic. I will refer you to post #9 above.

I will further suggest a reread of Terms of Service, in particular Rule 6 - discussion of rules and/or moderator actions is not allowed.

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