Describing business in Additional Info Section???

My peers and I are opening our website, kickstarter, and campaign video sometime next week. Since we’re just about to release everything out to the public, can I use the additional info section to describe more about it (because just mentioning it in my activities list wouldn’t really suffice the amount of work that we’ve put in).

Can you talk about it in an essay?

@rdeng2614 I can for some schools’ supplements, but not for others. Do you think talking a bit about it in the additional information section would be worthy enough to put into? I heard that you should only add about an illness/tradegyy/or something of that extreme so that’s why I’m asking.

It’s nonsense to think that you only should include illness/tragedy/extremes in the Additional Information section. No college has ever told me that. You absolutely could talk about your business in the Additional Information section. That’s going to me more unique than the aforementioned stereotypical examples in that section. I would still list it in the activity section. You may want to consider following @rdeng2614’s advice: use your business as a topic for an essay.

@golfcashoahu Yeah, I’ll follow all 3 of your guys’ advice. Thanks!