<p>I currently own a Dell Xps M1730 and as many may know it is a heavy and bulky computer with a nassive power brick. I am in high school right now and i like it alot. the problem is i feel like it may be bothersome to carry it around at college plus its barely an hour battery life. would it make sense to get a netbook as well as using my xps? i dont want to get rid of my xps but i feel like a netook would be handy for carrying around the day. I also feel like i would be wasting the money i spent on my xps if i would only use it inhevenings or at night. i was looking at the dell inspiron mini for just taking notes and etc. i can get it real cheap cuz i get twenty percent off on all dell products How many of u would buy the netbook and use xps and how many would only use xps. Please give reasons as well.</p>
<p>You bought a gaming laptop, and it is a power hog. Great for taking to a friend’s house to game with, but heavy to lug around all day long. You may want to see if you can turn on power saving options to extend batter life when you are using it to just take notes (reduce the speed of the processor, turn off graphics memory?, etc.).</p>
I bought my Daughter a laptop for college. She is a sophomore now, and has never taken it out of her dorm room (class, library, etc.). Kids work differently. Using a laptop to take notes in class, just so you can say you used it during the day, is not a great justification for a laptop.</p>
<p>If you really want to take one to class everyday, then get a cheap, small, notebook. If you are going to do real work (writing papers in the library, etc.), then you can bring M1730 that day. Think about how you want to exchange files with your “main” computer. Network them (which one will have the files on your hard disk), thumb drive, software to keep files in synch, etc.</p>
<p>I like my new Dell 9" Mini (OK I love it). Small screen but not too small, and I have old eyes… More than a netbook, but light. I can put it in my purse. It is great for web surfing, emails, etc, notes, word processing. Not a lot of power, but works for what I want. I have a bigger (although still small) laptop at home for that, and a PC on a network and server at work. I use this at my desk at work for personal stuff. For $350 (watch for sales) it was a great Christmas present to myself. That did not include the plug-in CD/DVD player but that was only another $70. Maybe i won’t use it much, but I was afraid not to get one for disc access. If you are looking for a graduation present…</p>