<p>I spent the evening with one of my friends today, and she admitted that she hasn't started researching colleges and has not applied to or requested recommendations for anywhere. She also told me she never took the SAT II and has know idea about schools out of state. I sort of panicked for her, and I convinced her that she needed to start research NOW (she's a senior). </p>
<p>Anyway, I got her stats, and I was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions for schools that she would have a good chance of getting into (she's signed up now for the SAT II's in January, if that makes a difference). She and I have very different activities and classes, so I don't really know what to suggest for her. Here they are:</p>
<p>Note: She switched schools in Sophomore year to go to a more competitive high school. This means that she had to drop most of her clubs from the first two years and join new ones, since the two schools had few of the same clubs, so she didn't have a chance really for leadership or dedication to show.</p>
Reading: 800
Math: 800
Writing: 670</p>
<p>ACT: 34</p>
<p>GPA: (unweighted) 4.0
(weighted) 4.2</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
Band: She has a ton of band related extracurriculars and wants to major in music. She's won district and state competitions, played at Disney World, been in marching, honor, city wide bands, etc.
Junior Classical League: Junior and Senior year.
Art Club: Freshman and Sophomore
Girl Scouts: Freshman and Sophomore
Ballroom Dancing: Senior</p>
<p>Leadership: First Chair Flutist in various bands (that's about it)</p>
<p>Work: Has had a job every year
Worked at church's Vacation Bible School in summers</p>
<p>Sorry this is so long, I'm just really worried about her. She's incredibly smart and really doesn't want to go to the State school just down the street (it is Louisiana, after all), but I don't know where to suggest. Please help!</p>