Dickinson or Wooster?

<p>A good merit award offered by Wooster. Or is Dickinson so much better that it is worth paying full freight?</p>

<p>I would go with Dickinson. I hear that the study abroad is great, and it is a great LAC.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, money is a major factor. So is Dickinson not giving you any aid?</p>

<p>Thanks - No Dickinson dollars.</p>

<p>Wow, no aid from Dickinson. Can your family afford to send you to Dickinson?</p>

<p>yes but I will have to pay part of the difference between the two.</p>

<p>Several students from my town in Georgia go to Wooster. They're all passionate about it. From my vantage point, I'd be hard-pressed to define a really significant point of difference between them.</p>

<p>I know many students who have attended the College of Wooster and loved it. Follow your heart, but as a parent I would be hard pressed to have my child go into debt for Dickinson</p>

<p>Wooster is a very good school and the students seem to love it.</p>