<p>How did you guys do on 8th chem? I ran out of time and left 10 blanks. And I think I get at least 3 wrong on what I finished. Should I cancel?
I wanna apply UCs(berkerley or LA)
I don't know if they like people take more than once.</p>
<p>how mang points will I get? does anyone know?</p>
<p>nobody knows?</p>
<p>need help!!!!! they said the form need to be received by WED! so I have no time to delay. Some one just give any advise please</p>
<p>if you are looking for around 700 'sh you probably are fine... because the curve is pretty lenient</p>
<p>yea, dont cancel</p>
<p>you can MISS 8-9 and still get 800.</p>
<p>if you're confident that you only missed 3ish of the ones you answered, you'll be fine</p>
<p>but I left 10 blanks. and I am a negligent person. I am sure I got at least 3 wrong. I am just wondering if UCs(berkerley or LA) like people take the test more than once.</p>
<p>i thought i did really bad last may like ran out of time i didn't think i would get above a 600. Saw my score at school, 700, good enough for any college</p>
<p>how many did you miss? or left blank.</p>
<p>umm i don't think they ever tell you how many you got wrong. Umm blank around 5-10ish I kno I effed up half of the T F questions.</p>
<p>If I can get over 700 I will just leave it alone but I am so scared
if I got 600+ and the college will see it. will it hurts me?
I wanna apply UC berkerly or LA</p>
<p>if you prepared really good but think you bombed it, you definitly got over a 700. Im not sure about the UCs but I know even at the ivy league level, a 650ish is respectable.</p>
<p>I did the Kaplan and got a 650. Sparknote online 730.
any idea how many points I can get?</p>
<p>and I did not prepare too much. I just did 3 sets of test few days ago</p>
<p>Hi, just to make sure, you're not allowed to use calculator on the exam, right? lol, I took it last yr so i forgot.</p>