Did I make an admissions mistake? (Middlebury vs URI)

Hey everyone,

I was accepted into both Middlebury (which is ~20k after aid)and University of Rhode Island (which is ~22k after aid).

I decided I would attend URI but I am now having major buyers remorse. I originally wanted to go to URI because I hope to study biotechnology and I heard that LACs aren’t the best for sciences, I liked the location more (being near some cities, being near the train to my home near Boston), I liked the school size more (more diversity and accepting community, I heard Middlebury can be snobby (I don’t mean this offensively, it is just what I was told), and I heard their biotech program is better. I also was not sure if I could handle the intense rigor of Middlebury or if I would fail out, which I’d be terribly ashamed of.

I would of course try my best, but I just barely got in I believe (1420 SAT, 3.8 unweighted GPA) and I heard this school is at least as rigorous as many ivies and lacks any much inflation. I just thought URI was a better fit, but the more I read about the two schools, the more it seems like I won’t be prepared for grad school if I decide to do that, I won’t be able to do anything really outstanding in my life or career, people won’t respect my school, I am passing up a huge opportunity, I’ll have to make do with what I have, and my classmates will not care about their education/ I won’t get a very good education.

I know this is all dramatic seeming, but it is really affecting me and I am wondering if you guys think I made a bad choice and if so is there any way to change my college/ future? I’ve already accepted URI and rejected Middlebury. If there is anyone who has been in a similar situation can you tell me what you did/ tell me if it’s really as bad as it feels? Thank you!


I think that there is no right answer to this and that you can get a great education at URI. I think for certain majors, LACs are not going to work as well and your major might very well be one. I don’t know enough about it. I know lots of people who have happy, successful lives who went to URI. I also know the research shows people tend to do as well as people who got into the same level school they got into even if they don’t end up going to that school.

I do not think you can say you ‘just got into’ Middlebury. It does have the very intense reputation and maybe you are someone who will stand out a lot at URI and get lots of extra opportunities. I think that is likely the case. So, I would stop thinking of this topic and focus on making URI a wonderful experience. It is a great location for college and I hope you will love it there!

You made your choice so at this point all you can do is go forth and make the most of your opportunity at URI.

OP: You made an excellent choice based on the factors that mattered most to you.

Congratulations! You’re going to URI! Great school, great match for you, wise choice. Stop staring at the rear-view mirror, and focus on the future. The Middlebury ship has sailed, and I think you chose wisely, considering everything you said about your interests.

Call Middlebury and tell them you changed your mind. See if you can still enroll

You made what you thought was the right decision at the time. You can call Middlebury, but I wouldn’t expect anything.

For other readers though, I will say this: do plenty of research. “Hearing” that a college is snobby, and “hearing” that LACs aren’t good for sciences (which is most definitely not the case) is a lot different from doing thorough research to ascertain these factors before making a decision. FWIW, Middlebury is a highly regarded LAC and would provide a top notch science degree that any grad school would have a hard time ignoring.

As far as your college choice affecting your future, well, only you can influence that. You did well enough to get accepted to Middlebury and URI. I suspect if you work hard an take advantage of whatever opportunities come your way, your future will be just fine.