Did my friend lie?

<p>My friend is currently a senior who got accepted to really good schools (a couple of ivies and Duke) and as her race she put that she is Black and her ethnicity is Hispanic. I know for a fact that she has some white in her (one of her great grand parents on moms side is white) and she also has native blood in her (her fathers family is full amerindian from bolivia) but her other great grandparents on her mom side are black. She says that she doesnt qaulify for the college definition of native american (North american indians) and she says that she doesnt identify herself at all with her white ancestry, but she says that she has really strong connections with her black famliy members. She says that she doesnt wanna put white down because she believes she has no connections with her white descent. Is it ok for her to just put down black and hispanic then?</p>



<p>Interesting that you should be so concerned about your friends white ancestory. Do you know that historically, people have been considered AA if they had a drop of black blood? And that wasn’t because of something that works in their favor like being a URM for college admissions, quite the opposite.</p>

<p>College admissions uses the US Census definitions for ethnicity and race which is based on self-identification. So, if your friend doesn’t identify with her white ancestry, then she doesn’t have to check white. </p>

<p>BTW, it wouldn’t have made any difference if she had marked white as well as black, she still would have been considered as AA.</p>