Did the economy affect your decision to apply Early Decision?

<p>Were you thinking of applying early decision before the economy crisis, but then decided that you want more options? Have you always known you would apply early?</p>

<p>I had originally planned to apply ED to Penn for nursing but after the economy plummeted I decided it would be better to keep my options open. I’ve actually decided to not apply to any school with a ridiculous tuition - simply because it doesn’t make much sense for my intended career.</p>

<p>I wanted to apply to a small LAC early decision… but they probably wouldn’t give me the money I needed. I applied to some EA schools though.</p>

<p>My parents saw Early Decision as a bad financial decision long before this “crisis” became apparent</p>

<p>i pulled out my brown early D app on october 31st lol</p>

<p>My first choice is EA, but my best friend was planning to apply to Dartmouth ED for the longest time, and at the last minute her parents wouldn’t let her.</p>