did you do the optional essay?

<p>Am I the only one that didn't do the optional essay? I got the completely wrong impression of it and thought that it was simply for additional information and that it wasn't important-- but today I spoke to another friend who applied and apparently my college counselor told her that it was practically required by Harvard. :(</p>

<p>If that's true, then I definitely did not get in already. I can say that for a fact. They probably think that I'm either lazy or so conceited that the information I had given them was enough already. </p>

<p>What do you guys think? Did you guys do one? And what have you heard about them?</p>

<p>Do not worry, the essay says that if the students want to write an essay to convey additional stuff to the Adcoms, then they can upload it. IT IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.</p>

<p>Do not worry much about it. It surely says ‘optional’~
Although I did my Harvard optional essay, I didn’t do my Penn’s optional (the autobiography) essay.
So cheer up!!!</p>

<p>Thank you guys!</p>

<p>But even though it’s optional, the fact that I’m probably the only one who didn’t do it doesn’t speak very well of me :(</p>

<p>You are probably not the only one who didn’t do it. If your main essay was able to paint an accurate picture of you as an individual, you should not worry about the optional essay. AND you sent it in already so enjoy senior year and don’t stress until March 31 :slight_smile: Good luck! Such an exciting time for all of you!</p>

<p>I did it for one glaringly obvious reason: why not? what do you have to lose? a few extra hours of writing time? That’s a small price to pay for increasing your chances of getting into Harvard. Sure, it really is optional, but Harvard likes to see students who seize every chance they get and throttle it. I wanted to grab Harvard adcoms by the collar and say “Admit me!” although much more subtly, obviously :p</p>

<p>I did it, basically just recycling Princeton’s supp essay with a few adjustments. But don’t worry, it definitely WAS optional, and I’m sure you’re not the only one who didn’t do it.</p>

<p>Hookem, oh, you mean we were supposed to be subtle about it? whoops…</p>

<p>Yeah, I did it, but I’m sure you aren’t the only one who didn’t/ One kid on here got accepted last year w/o it.</p>

<p>aw I didn’t do it and now I’m scared!</p>

<p>I did send in a research paper w/ a cover letter(short essay-ish). + I thought my interview did a good job conveying my personality.</p>

<p>bump. did only ONE person from CC get in last year w/o this essay? or is that just at least one/not really kept track of…</p>

<p>No, it’s just one that I know of. There’s probably more. Remember, Harvard accepts students who aren’t on CC, too. ;)</p>

<p>holland1945 why be scared? theres at most a 5% chance that you get in either way. Dont worry about it, its Harvard.</p>

<p>hmm I would like to think a little higher…Either way, I am still curious as to whether or not chances will be significantly affected. and to the validity of:</p>

<p>“counselor told her that it was practically required by Harvard.(sadface)”</p>

<p>i did it; it couldn’t have hurt, unless the essay was horrible</p>

<p>if you didn’t do it, don’t worry about it; it is optional, and i’m sure you are not the only one who didn’t do it</p>

<p>i did it, too, but it was clearly marked as optional, so don’t worry too much about it.</p>

<p>butternut: a nice reminder hahaha :)</p>

<p>yeah i did it too, though i attached my yale supplement to it. It didn’t say it’s “recommended” it said it truly was optional if you wanted to let them know anything else. They probably don’t give much weight to it then unless it really brings out something important they needed to know. It’s not a big deal.</p>

<p>its not bad if you have a great common app essay. if you’re a bad writer you don’t even want to have a supp essay - they’ll be screaming stop after your first essay (thats what she said)</p>

<p>I just attached my Yale essay since I liked it so much :P</p>

<p>I didn’t do it.
I got into MIT without an additional essay + the Harvard lady I talked to at the info session essentially encouraged everyone not to do it.</p>

<p>1001: What was her rationale behind trying to convince everyone not to do it?</p>