I’ve managed to dig myself a nice and late grave.
You see, before 9th Grade, I was homeschooled for pretty much my entire life. I always got done really early (Around 12:00 pm) and enjoyed school.
But, my parents decided to put me into “Abeka” on an Accredited (people from the university grade my assignments) set of courses.
I have 7 total subjects, of which I do 6 per day.
Or I used to.
Essentially, what happened, is that at the beginning of the year I was doing great, getting pretty much nothing except A’s and B’s. But, as it’s gone on, my grades have slowly dropped as my workload has gotten more intense.
As my grades dropped, I started feeling guilt and anxious outside of school.
Everything hit a climax when, after getting an F on an English quiz, my brain just switched off.
I went from hard working to completely lazy and stupid. I didn’t turn in any assignments for nearly 3 Months, and let my guilt build up.
It wasn’t until one month ago that I started working to fix it. I made a schedule, and have been working at it since the beginning of last June.
And now I need some advice…
Should I tell my parents about this? I know that they will find out no matter what, but I don’t know if I have the strength to tell them. They love to talk about how “amazing” I am at school…
The last thing I want is to have them think of me as a lazy idiot.