difficulty of a computer science major

<p>Let’s get this straightforward. Try CS for at least a year.
Whether it’s CS, CpE, any engineering, or any science, or even any liberal art, there is at least one difficult course. </p>

<p>The summer before I became a freshman, I studied C++ on my own). I was like WT/F. I couldn’t even write a good program without cheating (I have to look at books). When I go to Euler project, the very first problem was to find the sum of the numbers under 1000 I think. </p>

<p>I just did it again last month, it only took me 30 seconds to write down the program (I type really fast).
I can do it. </p>

<p>It takes time and effort to digest. After a year of college, I can tell you I didn’t learn a lot from the professor. I am now reviewing my C++, and I catch little details that are important to note. I am very serious about these little details. </p>

<p>This is how I learn. I am not the pro, but I ca deal a lot of types of problem now. I didn’t even get to write real C++ code and OOP stuff in school. I did them on my own.</p>

<p>The problem is that you have to be patience. Some teachers are horrible. I am a good teacher myself. When I teach, I don’t go straight into solving the problem. I am the typical guy writing 20 pages when the professors only ask for 10 pages.</p>

<p>You have to look into every detail, and ask. Don’t be afraid.</p>

<p>Try CS. </p>

<p>A real program spend most of his time doing two things: documentation and reading.</p>

<p>Yes. They read source code, read their documentation, read references, read a lot of stuff. There is no simple take-and-go stuff in program. You will learn what this synatx and method does. But you can’t always apply this. When you become a real software engineer, your concern is how to accomplish it, and at the same time how to optimize it. It’s a process that you have to build up.</p>