
<p>I tutor middle schoolers once a week at the middle school I went to. The lady who overlooks the program is really nice and she really likes me. I am supposed to tutor the kid I was assigned to until May or so. </p>

<p>But here's the problem: A new session of youth court starts in January and I've really wanted to do it for a long time. It's really competitive to get onto it, and I'm really interested in it because it's a really enriching experience and an awesome opportunity. Tutoring and youth court are on the same day, same time.</p>

<p>The thing is I want to go back to tutor next year again for the first half of the school year. But I'm afraid that the lady who overlooks the tutoring program will think badly of me if I decide to 'quit' in the middle of this year in favor of something else. However, my friend also wanted to tutor at this middle school, and there were too many volunteers so she couldn't. I could arrange to have my friend to take my place and tutor my kid for the rest of the year.</p>

<p>This tutoring program is somewhat a first-come, first-serve thing too so I'm afraid the lady will refuse it to me next year because I proved not to be committed enough or something like that. I really love to tutor too so I want to continue doing it for the rest of high school. </p>

<p>What do you think I should do about this?</p>

<p>Can you move the tutoring to a different day?</p>

<p>Or else, you could find someone else who needs tutoring, maybe not through your program, but there’s always people who need help, if that’s what you want to do.</p>

<p>No I can’t move it to a different day. :frowning:
I don’t organize the program, the tutoring is organized by the schools and it is on a certain day every week.</p>