Dimensions for rooms

<p>Is there anywhere that has the actual dimensions for the dorm rooms so we can get a better idea of how much to bring, etc?</p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“Square Footage of Rooms in On-Campus Housing”&gt;Square Footage of Rooms in On-Campus Housing]Answer[/url</a>]!</p>

<p>Thank you! :slight_smile: But is there somewhere that gives a more detailed portrayal? I don’t know…my dad wants to go up there and look at the room to see how much we can bring, but I’d rather not go all the way up and back. And I don’t know if they’d even let us see the room right now anyway. :-/</p>

<p>there are some youtube vids that show u the layout of the room. however they probably wont show u a room unless you sign up with a housing tour.</p>

<p>I asked about a housing tour before and they said that while they show you around a building, they can’t guarantee that it’s going to be the one assigned to you. So I just didn’t sign up.</p>

<p>Maybe if you stated what your room assignment is somebody can help you out with photos or something. Also, make sure you’ve seen the virtual tour.</p>