Dimensions on "footprint" of bed needed - Futon wanted


<p>In a similar vein to the tape measure madness and RCS Futon threads, the one piece of info I couldn’t seem to find was the exact dimensions of the spaces between the 4 bedposts.</p>

<p>I want to get a Futon for under the lofted bed for the boy. But, The width is tricky because if the (full) futon frame is too wide, it won’t fit under the bed. Also, depth within the footprint is tricky as well… if the arms on the futon are too long then it will not fit laterally either. Does anyone happen to have those dimensions? (please forgive my stick-figure representation in advance).</p>

<p>P------------ xx" ----------------P
P------------ xx" ----------------P</p>


<p>i don’t know the exact dimensions, buut i do know that all three pieces of furniture will fit under the bed with a little bit of extra room. so if you add up the widths of the other three pieces of furniture, you could use that as your max with safely.</p>

<p>did you go to BB yet?</p>

<p>If no one can help, you can probably add an inch or so to the mattress measurements to be really close.</p>

<p>Yes, we went to BB last summer… :slight_smile: S is a rising Sophomore and will be an RA in Paty in the Fall. </p>

<p>He is in Lakeside right now, but getting him to measure is one thing, getting accurate measurements out of him (a ME major, no less… HA!) is on a completely different order of magnitude. </p>

<p>We are headed down in very early August to help him move from Lakeside to Paty, and my goal is to meet a delivery of a new Futon there, if possible. In order to get the best fit prior to placing an order, those dimensions would sure help.</p>

<p>I also realize there can be variances between the beds used in RCS, Lakeside, Paty, etc. but given they are all Twin XL, I think that would be close enough.</p>

<p>I will try to poke him again to get a measurement, I just wondered if anyone else had already crossed this particular bridge. Thanks again!</p>

<p>If anyone would have this, my $ would be on TXA!</p>

<p>if he cant be bothered to measure, then maybe he is not all that interested in a futon. this would be something i would insist my daughter do if she wanted me to find her a futon.</p>

<p>i would thing the size of the mattress would be a good go-by. it doesn’t need to fit like a glove.</p>

<p>Yes, use the Twin XL mattress size as a guideline, because a futon would need to fit within the underspace.</p>

<p>Extended twin bed and mattress (36” x 80”), adjustable height up to 33” max from floor</p>

<p>Go to Walmart online and search futons…they have a TON online…and if you go to the details/specifcations, you’ll get sizes both as a sofa and as a bed.</p>

<p>Try to find one that’s lowish to the ground so no one’s head hits the underside of the bed.</p>

<p>This one should fit and has 3 position…sofa, lounger (which I think kids would like), and bed
[Your</a> Zone Adjustable Mini Kid?s Comfortable Futon Bed Lounger ? Walmart.com](<a href=“http://www.walmart.com/ip/your-zone-mini-futon-lounger-multiple-colors/13275171?findingMethod=Recommendation:wm:RecentlyViewedItems]Your”>http://www.walmart.com/ip/your-zone-mini-futon-lounger-multiple-colors/13275171?findingMethod=Recommendation:wm:RecentlyViewedItems)</p>

<p>rolltide90, I was going to say that I’d get my D to measure the one in her room at Lakeside now… she does not have a tape measure. :frowning: </p>

<p>Saw your S from a distance but never got the chance to introduce ourselves. I am guessing they are all having fun. Don’t hear much from D unless she needs something, go figure. Guess when that debit card runs dry she will be calling pronto. ;)</p>

<p>you can measure things fairly accurately using pieces of notebook paper. i do it all the time,</p>

<p>LOL! I might have better luck telling her to use her mini ipad. </p>

<p>I will be back to move her out on August 2nd if that helps. Let me know.</p>

<p>TxMom: Thanks! We are in the same boat. The boy doesn’t have a decent tape measure there with him.</p>

<p>Would you believe we were down there just before the 4th and I forgot to bring my tape measure with us!? I guess I could send him to the hardware store or Wal-Mart. I might have to because I don’t see him being inventive enough to Macgyver something else together.</p>

<p>Glad you spotted the boy, wish you would have had a chance to introduce yourselves! If your D isn’t too shy, please ask her to say hello to him. He’s a bit bashful himself… LOL</p>

<p>We will be back down the weekend of the 2nd ourselves to move him as well, maybe we will have a chance to say hello then!</p>

<p>do you have a futon you are looking at? or a few? just check what their measurements are. i think a lot of them are designed to fit under a loft bed (as shown in online pictures), so their size is probably compatible.</p>

<p>if this was my kid, i couldn’t be bothered to find her a futon if she couldn’t be bothered to find me the measurements i asked for. this is crazy. it is not that difficult.</p>

<p>rolltide, it was a crazy day! I had D2 and friend roaming the campus while we were at the parent/student lunch and meeting. Kept getting texts asking how to get to… and when we would be done. As soon as it was over we were flying out of there. I’ve told D to say hi to your S. Pointed him out to her when the RA’s, Peer Counselors were introducing themselves.</p>

<p>Maybe he can find time to measue once he gets all of his charges tucked in one night. They do seem to keep them busy and not much down time. I know your S had his room and like 3 or 4 more rooms of boys he is the peer counselor for. </p>

<p>OH! Per D, Dr. Causey is supposed to know this week about the move-out to move-in schedule. Here is to it being ONE smooth move and not stuck in a holding pattern for a few days.</p>

<p>what are your kids doing there already?</p>

<p>Early College. Mine is taking classes thru EC. rolltides S is an RA and Peer Counselor for EC. The RA’s also have to take at least 2 classes. The RA’s have rooms they are assigned to make sure all the kids are in at curfew, etc. They have mandatory study hall from 7:00-9:30pm Sunday-Thursday. rolltides S has I want to say 4 rooms of boys to watch after. </p>

<p>I HIGHLY recommend Early College for any high school kids that would be interested. I am very impressed!</p>

<p>Mike: With all due respect, enough already. I ignored the comment the first time.</p>

<p>As I mentioned earlier, I was just asking to see if anyone else had previously crossed that particular bridge. S has enough on his plate with Calc 2 and meeting his responsibilities to the Early College program. I am looking at several different Futons online, and I have the precise dimensions for them, just don’t know what will and will not fit under the bed. If I order one online that has the features we want (such as storage drawers under it and arms that fold in) it sure would be a bummer if it didn’t fit, now wouldn’t it??</p>

<p>TXMom: I am quite sure it was a busy day for Ya’ll. I ran into Dr. Causey for the first time in person in the elevator and she had a sweeper in her arms and one of the students from Germany with her. She looked just like any other Mom and I wouldn’t have thought otherwise until she introduced herself. She is so nice and easy to work with. The boy thinks very highly of her.</p>

<p>I heard the same things about the move for our kids, as Dr. Causey did ask the kids staying for the fall term what building and room they were moving to. I have my fingers crossed because I know that the boy starts his RA duties in Paty on 8/4 and I am sure there is a fellow RA expecting to move into his room that is currently occupied in Lakeside. I am sure they have a plan, I just hope that doesn’t include a double-move/transient housing… <sigh></sigh></p>

<p>rt, D called us last Wednesday morning to tell us what happened the first night. All 3 girls in their room had made sure the main door was locked when they went to bed. The RA came in later and went to bed. They were all awaken at 12:30am by another RA standing in their suite SCREAMING. The door to their suite was left unlocked. OOPS! </p>

<p>I guess the RA’s have to take turns doing hall duty thru the night? </p>

<p>I am assuming now that it was Dr. Causey’s husband that helped bring some of D’s stuff up to her room that morning. Everyone that day was super sweet! </p>

<p>I purchased the “A” cookie cutter last week. Plan on making a care package of cookies and sending to D this week or weekend. Going to try and make plenty so they can be shared.</p>

<p>TXMom: Yes Ma’am. They have a scheduled rotation for escorting the kids to Study Hall in Gorgas, and to make rounds at regular intervals each night. Even from my perspective as the parent of a staff member, I am impressed with what is relayed to me from the staff meetings the boy attends. They take background checks, training, and student safety VERY seriously.</p>

<p>The boy just called me, as a matter of fact. Had a good chat with him. He said your D did introduce herself to him, and he happened to be with the Asst. Community Director the night her door was left unlocked. He remembered the events… :)</p>

<p>An “A” cookie cutter eh? How cool is that!?! I will have to find one of those. Everyone thought I was crazy when I adorned the family pooch with “A” dog collar, so another item for the collection is definitely in order!</p>

<p>LOL! D just told me they talked last night. I sent her a band geek tan pic and she responded back with a pic of her laying out by the pool. TOO FUNNY!</p>

<p>I found the cookie cutter at the store next to Phil’s on the strip. D2 is home making the dough now :slight_smile: I almost bought one of the pooches an Alabama jersey. I’m going to have to get that the next trip down.</p>