Dining Application

<p>I found the pdf application which you can mail to CMU but I can't seem to find the online Dining Application. Does anyone know where it is? Does it exist?</p>

<p>DIning is a mail in (or fax) form - nothing online.</p>

<p>BTW-- if you don’t turn 18 before move-in day-- your parents or legal guardian must to sign the housing agreement…b/c it’s a legally binding contract-- of which a minor cannot enter in to within the state of PA. Unlike a student loan promissory note-- which a minor CAN sign, the housing contract can only be signed by a legally aged adult.
If you already filled it out–you’ll hear from housing if you’re a student who doesn’t turn 18 by mid August-- there is chatter about this on last year’s discussion threads. They find you…don’t panic or even worry if they don’t find you…but don’t be surprised if they do send you something about this.</p>

<p>yeah I’m waiting until I turn 18 for the Housing App. How do you decline/accept loans CMU offers? I haven’t received my FA package in the mail so I’m guessing all that information comes in the mail?</p>

<p>i answered that ? in detail a few days ago when you asked about fin aid</p>

<p>Never mind I found it.</p>