Direct admit vs 2 + 2???

<p>My daughter is a senior in high school. She is in an honors nursing program and will be a CNA when she graduates (as long as she passes her exam). :)</p>

<p>She is applying to both direct admit and 2 + 2 programs, and accepted to both types. She has a 4.0 GPA and 27 on ACT. She plans to take the ACT again, to help with merit scholarship chances.</p>

<p>What are the pros and cons to DA vs 2 + 2? The DA programs she has been admitted to are at schools that do not offer some of the other things she is searching for in a college. But, if direct admit is best, she will give up on some of her sports related and social desires.</p>

<p>Thank you for your input.</p>

<p>To help make that decision, you should ask some questions about how hard it is to get into the nursing program at each 2-2 school. Ask for data.</p>

<p>Most direct entry programs are able to get students into clinical situations faster, and may offer more clinical hours in total.</p>

<p>There was a glitch - this is a response, but it showed up at the top of the thread.</p>

<p>Personally I think that a direct admit program. I just keeping thinking what would happen if you don’t get accepted once you have to “apply” for the nursing school. Then what would you do?</p>