direct hits any good?

<p>I just received direct hits core vocab of the sat in the mail from amazon. I have been getting mixed reviews on it and i just wanted to know IS IT REALLY THAT GOOD AS I HEAR IT IS? If not, could i get some good advice on other vocab prep books?</p>

<p>“Good” would be an understatement. Unless your vocabulary is “impeccable” (please don’t take the worf literally), the book will help you a lot. The 2nd volume - toughest vocab - has quite a few commonly tested hard words. And trust me, they are a life saver on those last SC.</p>

<p>What a conincidence, I’m on word 342/400 at the moment ;)</p>

<p>not really. i like princeton review word smart alot better- theyre example sentences are easy to relate to and understand. direct hits uses paragraphs all relating to pop culture and movies that ur very likely to have not seen as a means of explaing a word. </p>

<p>i got direct hits cause of CC, and i regret it. 25$ (or so) is simply not worth it when u could get wrodsmart (which contains over 800 words) for 7$. </p>

<p>theres no secret word list that direct hits has that noone knows about whihc makes theyre words so much more frequent…wordsmart has almst all the words direct hits has anyway</p>

<p>It’s the best.</p>

<p>I heard good things about it, so I looked for it at B&N and couldn’t find it. Instead I settled with Kaplan’s Score-Raising Dictionary, which I heard isn’t as good.</p>