Direct Hits on Amazon

<p>If you go on Amazon, you can look inside the book.
What's so good about this? It shows the index.</p>


<p>Amazon</a> Online Reader : Direct Hits Core Vocabulary of the SAT: Volume 1</p>

<p>AHAHAHA, great find, anhtimmy!</p>


<p>you sir are a genius haha</p>

<p>better yet, you can browse the whole book for free if you have an account at amazon!</p>

<p>lol timmy i always do that trick =p</p>

<p>you could have said this a month earlier!</p>

<p>Genius! Even the words from the other volume are there!</p>

<p>I wonder what the mods view is…I mean is it legal or what?</p>

<p>^ Google books is free. It’s like looking at a web page. If amazon endorses it…then…</p>

<p>nice find…</p>

<p>Are the words actually defined in the book though, and are there practice problems as well?
what are the bests books for cr and writing</p>

<p>anhtimmy- I see the words Copyrighted Materials on the top and bottom of each page of the index. Are you encouraging others to violate that copyright?</p>

<p>They’re not reproducing the words for profit though. If I find a list of words on the internet, and choose to define them myself without selling it to anyone, then I’m not breaking any copyrights.</p>


I am not stealing it. They allowed Amazon to show partials of their book. so please, let it be :]</p>

<p>@ atlmom13: how is he violating copyright? can publishers copyright words now? I do believe that it is fair to use material published by a legitimate source to augment studying. DH has a copyright on the way they deliver the material, not the vocabulary itself.</p>

<p>it doesnt show whats actually in the book only the cover and contents and index</p>

<p>^but if you get the list you have a solid list to study from without learning useless words.</p>

<p>^ok i didnt understand what u meant but some1 else said u just search the words in index up in so yea</p>

<p>I just the two volumes of DH last night as well as Princeton review,Gruber`s,and how to master the toughest math problems on the SAT ;]</p>

<p>^you just what?</p>